Texans have become increasingly sensitive to and concerned about government spending. Tracking and reporting frivolous expenditures is a void currently being filled by concerned citizens. Such a watchdog exists in Richardson where a small business owner has taken matters into his own hands writing on Just My Two Cents blog.
JMTC requests information from the city of Richardson and other entities subject to FOIA inquires and then relays his findings. In a recent post he highlights the spending of his city council on meals.
Have you ever wondered how much those meals at the work session cost the taxpayers? Here is the answer for 2009. Number of Meals in 2009 – 842 Cost for 2009 – $28,923.92 Average price per meal – $34.35
While this type of material is very specific to Richardson it is indicative of the misguided spending at all levels of government. It also speaks to the need for greater transparency at the local level. Transparency in government will go a long way to curb such spending and aid in reporting. Until that time blogs such as JMTC are invaluable.
Must read from JMTC are his extensive records on taxpayer funded lobbyist Fred Hill. These records highlight the practice of the tax lobby and the positions they are pursing using tax dollars.