People seeking information directly from Texas gubernatorial candidate Lupe Valdez at are in for a surprise…

In a bit of savvy campaigning, Greg Abbott’s reelection campaign bought the domain name last November and now using to draw attention to Valdez’s liberal record as an elected official. Her actual campaign website is

The header of the Abbott-owned site says that Valdez is “Wrong for Texas,” and quotes her boasting of her connection with Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. The site also points out how weak Valdez was on sanctuary cities during her tenure as the Sheriff of Dallas County.

After managing to get by a field of almost a dozen no-names, Valdez is in a runoff against Andrew White, son of former Texas Governor Mark White. The runoff occurs on May 22. Regardless of who wins the Democratic primary, White or Valdez will be serious underdogs against Abbott in November, one of the nation’s most popular governors.

Should Valdez ever decide to run for office again, hopefully she will remember to buy out all the domain names associated with her and her campaign.

Austin Goss

Austin Goss is the Capitol Correspondent for Empower Texans and Texas Scorecard. Hailing from Louisville, Kentucky, Austin is a Christian, soldier in the United States Army Reserves, and a student at the University of Texas at Austin. Follow Austin on Twitter @AG_Legacy