While rightly praising Taxpayer Champion State. Rep. Jonathan Stickland (R-Hurst) for standing up to the Austin establishment, the Metroplex’s James Trimm succinctly dressed-down Texas Alliance for Life and its Executive Director Joe Pojman in a no-nonsense blog post earlier this week.
“Jonathan Stickland has represented District 92 better than any State Representative we have had in my memory,” Rabbi Trimm states, while also noting that his unapologetic conservatism has made him a primary target for the Austin insiders. “When it comes to the Austin establishment, all you need to do is follow the money and the good ole boys club, and in this case, the money takes us straight to Straus puppet Joe Pojman.”
For some time now, with Pojman’s leadership, TAL’s primary function has been to provide political cover to establishment-friendly candidates who are weak or totally averse on pro-life issues, while completely ignoring some of the most passionate pro-life fighters. Strangely enough, they continue to deceive primary voters despite the fact that their insincerity is already on full display via their own actions and public information.
“Pojman’s organization (TAL) has received massive amounts of money from Straus’ political arm, The Texas Leadership Fund,” Trimm states. “Pojman routinely supports and endorses Straus’s establishment cronies, apparently regardless of their pro-life voting record. For example, Pojman’s TAL endorsed and sent out mailers supporting Bennett Ratliff and J.D. Sheffield. Yet Ratliff has said that he sees abortion as a right that a woman has and Sheffield voted with Democrats on numerous amendments intended to water down or kill HB 2.”
In fact, Sheffield is easily one of their most telling endorsements, considering his candidacy created the almost unheard instance of a “pro-life” group and Planned Parenthood advocates working towards electing the same candidate. Sheffield’s record has been so liberal that his opponent recently asked him to consider running as a Democrat in order to provide their district with some clarity in their voting.
Trimm goes further in describing TAL’s insincerity: “Perhaps the biggest insult to pro-life conservatives came just a few days ago at the TAL annual banquet. At this banquet, Pojman and his organization actually gave Straus lieutenant Charlie Geren an award for his, “Courageous Defense of Life…” Trimm states, recalling Geren’s tantrum on Planned Parenthood Lobby Day. “This is the same Charlie Geren that went through the halls of the capitol, ripping down pro-life signs from the doors of real pro-life representatives. This is the man whom Pojman awarded for his ‘Courageous Defense of Life.”
Edmund Burke once quipped, “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Kudos to Mr. Trimm for not only seeing through the establishment’s misinformation, but actively seeking to provide the same level of clarity for his neighbors in District 92.