Texas Christian University is offering a new major as a part of its curriculum.
The “Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies” major will be added for the upcoming Spring semester. According to TCU’s official website, the major will critically examine “racial and ethnic identities as an essential step in becoming ethical citizens and leaders in today’s global community.”
A couple of the classes that will be offered as a part of the new major include “Power & Protest – Race & Revolution” and “Food Justice.”
While the major and the classes affiliated with it are so far only optional, many faculty and university officials have their eyes on making some of the classes related to the major mandatory for all students.
TCU has taken similar steps in past years, including hiring a Chief Inclusion Officer. The university also recently created a “diversity, equity, and inclusiveness committee.”
Faculty at the university teaching the new major argue that it will allow students who participate to learn how to interact with all sorts of people and be armed with “cultural awareness” when they go out into the world.
It remains to be seen how the new program will affect the campus dynamic.