While most Republicans are preaching unity and straight ticket voting, the state’s premier pro-life group is encouraging voters to un-mark two Republicans that “stabbed pro-lifers in the back.”
In a radio ad airing in Houston, Texas Right to Life is asking voters not to vote for State Rep. Sarah Davis (West University Place) and Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson.
Davis, one of the Texas Legislature’s few openly pro-abortion Republicans and a close ally of House Speaker Joe Straus (R-San Antonio), has consistently voted against virtually all pro-life reforms during her time in the Legislature.
In 2015, Davis’ voting record on abortion was worse than eight Democrats in the Texas House. That same year she went on MSNBC to denigrate her colleagues’ efforts to protect life. Such actions have led to an endorsement by Planned Parenthood, which featured her prominently on a recent mailer to Harris County voters.
Devon Anderson incensed pro-lifers over her investigation of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast after whistleblowers David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt uncovered that the organization was profiting off the sale of aborted baby body parts.
Anderson’s office formed a grand jury that not only decided against prosecuting Planned Parenthood, but instead decided to bring charges against the whistleblowers. During the process Anderson admitted to breaking the law and was forced to drop all charges after a judge dismissed the case.
While Texas Right to Life’s move will certainly anger those in the Republican establishment who view the political party as a red elephant fan club, the organization should be commended for standing up and speaking out boldly when politicians aren’t worth supporting—regardless of party label.