It’s not often a Republican primary race for the Texas House gets this clear of a distinction. One candidate is a proven taxpayer champion, the other has admitted he’s “the guy that raises taxes.” The bad news is that the guy who raises taxes has lots of family money to spend.
At a forum in the panhandle town of Spearman (House District 88), the candidates were asked if in their roles as elected officials they had raised taxes, Ken King’s answer stands out.
You see, Mr. King had to admit that he was a tax-raiser; as a member of the Canadian Independent School District board of trustees, he had raised taxes. That school district is saddled not only with high taxes, but abnormally high debt.
“I did, I did,” stammered King. “I know I’m going to get branded as I’m the guy that raises taxes.”
Well, Mr. King branded himself as such by, you know, voting to raise taxes.
Mr. King is challenging State Rep. Jim Landtroop of Plainview, a freshman conservative who earned the “Taxpayer Champion” award for his outstanding record on the Fiscal Responsibility Index. In fact, Mr. Landtroop has earned high accolades from every conservative group in the state for his diligent record.
There are two other challengers in the vastly re-drawn district. Gary Walker is a former Republican legislator (and Austin lobbyist) very sympathetic to the agenda of the trial lawyers, and Mac Smith, a recent college graduate from a well-healed family.
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility has strongly endorsed Jim Landtroop for re-election: he’s the guy who protects taxpayers.
So here we present Mr. King with his branding: