After retiring from the state Senate, David Sibley followed the road often taken by former lawmakers and started to lobby. Now Sibley is hoping to take a road not often traveled from the lobby back to the upper chamber. This is a nice juxtaposition to his current situation, collecting tax dollars to lobby.

For the last five years, Sibley has lobbied elected officials for the city of Harlingen and the Brazos River Authority. Over that time he has collected between $270,000 and $350,000 in tax dollars.

While the amount Sibley has collected pales in comparison to his peers, the effect and message is not lost.

Tax dollars are being spent at a staggering tick to lobby. Often these efforts are for things taxpayers don’t want or need, like tax increases to fund boondoggle spending.

Daniel Greer

Daniel Greer is the Director of Innovation for Texas Scorecard.