While we often pass along bad news for Texas taxpayers, it gives us pleasure to recognize the exceptional government entities that exercise fiscal croeresponsibility.  A newspaper report reveals that Conroe ISD  “is among a very select group of Texas school districts to lower its tax rate by more than 50 cents since the 79th Legislature passed House Bill 1 in May 2006, which required districts across the state to lower taxes.”  Moreover, 64 percent of Conroe ISD campuses are exemplary or recognized so being fiscally responsible and educationally effective are not mutually exclusive.

 This decision takes their rate from $1.59 to $1.24.  Owners of a $100,000 home would realize a $297.50 decrease in property taxes.   Of course, appraisals have gone up, eating away some of that.  Total taxable value in Montgomery County has increased 17 percent from 2.3 to 2.7 billion , and traditionally half of that is new construction while the other half is increases in existing home values.  So, instead of a 28 percent cut ($1.59 to $1.24), it is probably a 19 to 20 percent cut. Â

However, that is still real money.  Unfortunately, dozens and probably soon hundreds of other Texas school districts are going to voters in November to ask them to raise their tax rate.  They need to check with Conroe ISD and get some tips for tightening their belts.