Earlier this year, the Lubbock business establishment ran a candidate against Rep. Charles Perry in the Republican primary because he refused to accommodate their plan to give taxpayers the highest sales tax in the state. The plan, called “Imagine Lubbock Together,” would have bumped the sales tax in Lubbock up to 9.25% in order to fund more “urbanization” and Austin-style luxuries like bike lanes, a performing arts center, and even a monorail.

After beating back the tax-raisers with a resounding primary win, Perry is now running to replace Senator Robert Duncan, who retired in early July to become the Chancellor of Texas Tech.

Perry’s present opponent, former Bush administration staffer and Tech bureaucrat Jodey Arrington, is speaking out of both sides of his mouth when it comes to the luxury tax proposal.

In an August 15th interview on the conservative Chad Hasty Show, Arrington denied involvement with “Imagine Lubbock and the Chamber’s efforts.”

However, just ten days later during a debate, Arrington flip-flopped on his involvement. He told the crowd, “I’m proud to be associated with Imagine Lubbock. I’m proud to have served with the good people, the community leaders, on Imagine Lubbock.”

Someone needs to ask Arrington if Lubbock downtown developer Delbert McDougal is one of those “community leaders” he’s suddenly proud to have served with. Does Arrington support McDougal’s plan to bring a monorail to Lubbock?

West Texans need a senator who will be straight with them about where he stands on luxury taxes and civic vanity projects. Lubbock needs the common sense leadership of Rep. Charles Perry.

Early voting in the Senate District 28 special election continues through Friday. Election Day is September 9th.

Tony McDonald

Tony McDonald serves as General Counsel to Texas Scorecard. A licensed and practicing attorney, Tony specializes in the areas of civil litigation, legislative lawyering, and non-profit regulatory compliance. Tony resides in Austin with his wife and daughter and attends St. Paul Lutheran Church.


5/3/24 Democrat Congressman INDICTED for Bribery

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