Born in Odessa, raised in the beautiful Fort Davis area, and once again claiming Odessa as home, Matt Stringer is a proud West Texan and liberty advocate whose passion for politics began quite organically. By trade, he is a professional bench jeweler and helps his family manage their diamond store in Midland, TX. It was there where he says his interest in politics initially peaked.
“I developed an interest in politics from experiencing the regulatory burdens placed on small business, and simply observing the obstacles placed on everyday life,” Stringer says. These sentiments only grew in time and now serve as the foundation for many of the political principles he stands for. “I believe in free market capitalism … and would like to see occupational licensing regulations on business reduced and abolished, and the franchise tax repealed.”
In addition, Stringer believes strongly in protecting second amendment rights, strengthening the border, abolishing property taxes, and, as a Christian, is staunchly pro-life. In general, he says, “I have always been of the opinion that government should present the least amount of imposition on its citizens as possible.”
In 2012, he followed the presidential election closely and found himself favoring one candidate in particular who represented those principles—former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul. “[Paul] caught my attention because he was the only one that was questioning the age-old failed policies every other candidate espoused like a broken record,” Stringer says. Eager to get involved, he participated in the convention process for the first time that year and was elected to serve as a National Delegate to the 2012 GOP National Convention in Tampa, Florida.
Looking back, it seems that Stringer’s role in the 2012 National Convention was only the beginning of the leadership roles he would assume back home in Texas. In 2014, after observing a wide array of state law issues, he personally created several draft bills in advance of the upcoming legislative session. One of particular note, which would have further protected homeowners’ gun rights, was eventually taken up by State Rep. Brooks Landgraf (R-Odessa) and filed as House Bill 2999. According to Stringer, “[The bill] would prevent property owners associations from enacting or enforcing restrictive covenants that prevent a home owner from legal access to a firearm on his own property, or the legal discharge of a firearm by a home owner. Essentially, gun control by deed restriction.” While the bill received a good deal of support by public testimony and was passed unanimously by the House Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security, like so many good conservative bills, it never received a vote on the House floor and ultimately died in the Calendars Committee.
Nonetheless there’s little doubt that Stringer made great strides in second amendment rights and will continue to do so. Currently, he’s involved in numerous advocacy organizations such as the Republican Party of Texas, Gun Owners of America, and the Texas State Rifle Association, standing for Texans’ dearly held second amendment rights.
When not spending his time crafting legislation or working in his jewelry shop, you can find Stringer attending Crossroads Fellowship Church, playing piano, shooting and hunting/fishing, and occasionally flying hot air balloons.