So I usually don’t think much about Louisiana. I sometimes forget it’s even there, kind of like Utah or Nevada or Rhode Island. But Gov. Bobby Jindal is making conservatives take note. I’ve met him a time or two, and been as impressed as everyone else who meets him. The problem is that with each passing action, he becomes even more impressive. We need more folks like Jindal in public office.

He just vetoed the Louisiana legislature’s attempted pay raise for itself. He’d previously said he’d stay out of their business, but in a blog post this week he (1) apologizes for what he now, correctly, realizes was a bad policy, and (2) says no one should think bad policy can co-exist with efforts at true government reform.

A politician who admits when he was wrong, has a solid track record of being Right on issue after issue, and is willing to stand for a principled position even if it means absorbing a little ridicule from lawmakers and their sycophants.

I’m now firmly in the Jindal for VP, President, whatever, anything.

Michael Quinn Sullivan

Michael Quinn Sullivan is the publisher of Texas Scorecard. He is a native Texan, a graduate of Texas A&M, and an Eagle Scout. Previously, he has worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine contributor, Capitol Hill staffer, and think tank vice president. Michael and his wife have three adult children, a son-in-law, and a dog. Michael is the author of three books, including "Reflections on Life and Liberty."


5/3/24 Democrat Congressman INDICTED for Bribery

- US Rep. Henry Cuellar was indicted on bribery, money laundering, and foreign influence charges. - Thousands of illegal aliens have been flown into Texas airports. - US Rep. Pfluger preparing measure to strip Federal Education funding from convicted rioters.