As parents across the nation speak out against school boards for racist and pornographic curricula in children’s classrooms, the conflict is also unfolding here in communities across Texas.

In a social media post on Wednesday, four moms in the Fort Worth-area Keller Independent School District said one of the local high schools provided a sexually explicit graphic novel to minors in the school library.

“Welcome to Keller ISD. Yes, a Texas School [w]here legitimate visual porn, a felony offense, is in one of our libraries,” the moms’ account wrote. “[Administrators] were quick to find the book and pulled it from a student[‘]s hands, realizing the severity of distributing porn.”

“[T]he book was on their online library platform at Timber Creek High school,” they continued. “It was checked out by a student & the administration had to find the kid who checked it out and took the book back. All we know is that someone bought & uploaded it to the online library.”

The book, “Gender Queer—a graphic novel aimed at young adult readers—depicts explicit illustrations of adolescents performing various sex acts.

We have a problem and need help. Our district has a ton of leftist teachers, librarians and counselors who push this plus [social emotional learning and critical race theory]. It’s literally a district run wild.”

Wednesday afternoon, Keller ISD officials sent an email to parents:

Keller ISD Families,


The District is aware of a report on social media about a book in one of our libraries that contained inappropriate images. One copy of the book in question was once available at a single high school library. There was no indications from the book’s description that it contained graphic illustrations; however, once the librarian and campus administrators became aware of the images, they immediately removed the book. Illustrations of this sort should never be available in the school environment. Ensuring our curricular materials are appropriate for students is a priority for Keller ISD. We are changing the process we use to review and approve books and related materials to prevent future incidents.

“It’s sickening,” one citizen replied on social media. “Unfortunately our district claims that is (‘one copy of the book in question was once available at a single high school library’…) in this half-hearted response.”

“The district did act right away, but only [because] a parent posted the book in a [Facebook] group,” the moms wrote.

The original post spread on social media Wednesday, even grabbing the attention of national conservative talk show host Allie Beth Stuckey.

“Disgusting. I don’t want to retweet this filth, but wow. Atrocious,” wrote Stuckey.

“The people who approved this book for the school should be arrested,” replied another citizen.

However, Keller ISD isn’t the only district in the state offering the pornographic book to minors. Dallas ISD and Austin ISD are also making it available in several school libraries—and both districts even provide it to kids in middle school.

Meanwhile, parents in Virginia recently made national headlines when they found “Gender Queer” in a local high school and confronted the school board about it. The book was immediately suspended.

Furthermore, the book is just one of many explicit materials parents have found in their schools across the state and nation, and it is only one of the numerous issues regarding curriculum discussed at recent school board meetings. Parents have also been outraged that school officials are teaching critical race theory, the racist ideology that states some Americans are inherently inferior or superior—and should be punished or promoted—because of the color of their skin.

Texas has more than 1,200 independent public school districts across the state, so parents concerned about “Gender Queer” or other sources of pornographic material in their local schools may contact their school officials.

If you or someone you know has discovered similar material at a public school, please share your story with us at

Jacob Asmussen

Jacob Asmussen is a Senior Journalist for Texas Scorecard. He attended the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor and in 2017 earned a double major in public relations and piano performance.