The Luke Macias Show
Skyrocketing Property Appraisals and Harris County Corruption

Everyone is getting their property appraisals in, and they are skyrocketing. This is the government’s way of trying to take more of your money every year. The good news for you is that a huge surplus is coming in 2023, which gives state lawmakers plenty of funding to provide meaningful and lasting property tax relief.

If you’re like me, you don’t follow Houston politics. But it’s worth knowing that Harris County is larger than most states east of the Mississippi; the fact that the Democrat county judge in Harris County is embroiled in a scandal could have some serious statewide implications.

I’m very grateful for Holly Hansen, one of the most respected journalists in the Houston area; she does a great job breaking down the details of what’s going on.



Uniparty Freakout in the Texas House

This week Democrats and liberal Republicans completely lost their mind when conservatives called out Dade Phelan for how he acquiesced to Democrats, who fled Texas in an attempt to try to kill election integrity policy.

An Interview With Chairman Matt Rinaldi

Today, we sit down with Matt Rinaldi and discuss his 3-year tenure as Texas GOP Chair. We also discuss how the Party has been positively reformed, what we need to do in the future, and how we have become a model for other states.

Texas Runoff Preview

Texas Scorecard’s new documentary was just released. We talk about that and overview a bunch of the runoffs going on in Texas.