The Luke Macias Show
Desantis' Offense Shifts Texas Corporation

All of you have watched Ron Desantis go from championing a strong parental rights bill that simply said teachers can’t discuss things of a sexual nature with K-3 children, to fighting nearly every pillar of society who attacked him as a bigot, to getting threatened by one of the largest employers in his state, to going on the offensive and removing special government protections for Disney.

This evolution revealed, yet again, just why Desantis has become the expected frontrunner of any 2024 presidential election without Donald Trump.

DeSantis’ approach has riled some Republicans who aren’t used to our leaders fighting for us.

Following this corporate conflict, Exxon Mobile, a major Texas corporation, announced that they will not let the official gay pride flag fly at their corporate buildings. This angered the left, but it should show the right just how much an aggressive approach against leftist corporations could shift the landscape of corporate behavior.

Take note, Texans. These changes are really important for our state.


Uniparty Freakout in the Texas House

This week Democrats and liberal Republicans completely lost their mind when conservatives called out Dade Phelan for how he acquiesced to Democrats, who fled Texas in an attempt to try to kill election integrity policy.

An Interview With Chairman Matt Rinaldi

Today, we sit down with Matt Rinaldi and discuss his 3-year tenure as Texas GOP Chair. We also discuss how the Party has been positively reformed, what we need to do in the future, and how we have become a model for other states.

Texas Runoff Preview

Texas Scorecard’s new documentary was just released. We talk about that and overview a bunch of the runoffs going on in Texas.