Today is Election Day in a Republican runoff that has continued to get more heated as Austin elites have poured a mountain of money into attempts to buy concentrated power against the grassroots.

Sydnie Henry just published a piece about how Joe Straus is joining the fight to try and drag these liberal Republicans across the finish line. It’s important to remember that this is largely a fight to build a coalition of RINOs big enough to thwart Dan Patrick’s more conservative agenda in 2023.

Here is the most important thing to remember about today: It’s the most important election of your lifetime, until the next one comes along.

The part about elections that I kind of hate is the fact that we are fighting a battle that never ends. House District 73 is one of the best examples of this, and I break down the last 16 years of history in that community to give you a picture of just how neverending this conflict is.

Today’s message is that your decision to engage in this battle must be founded on a realistic understanding that the conflicts you engage in will be guaranteed to last for the entirety of your engagement. The question is, how long will you last?

Have a blessed week.



A Barn Burner Week For Texas Conservatives

Grassroots candidates are closing with positive messages while the moderates continue with numerous last minute attacks. The Texas GOP is also meeting this week to make some big decisions.

Uniparty Freakout in the Texas House

This week Democrats and liberal Republicans completely lost their mind when conservatives called out Dade Phelan for how he acquiesced to Democrats, who fled Texas in an attempt to try to kill election integrity policy.

An Interview With Chairman Matt Rinaldi

Today, we sit down with Matt Rinaldi and discuss his 3-year tenure as Texas GOP Chair. We also discuss how the Party has been positively reformed, what we need to do in the future, and how we have become a model for other states.