On this Salcedo Storm Podcast:

Michele Nuckolls is a wife and homeschool mom in Montgomery County, Texas. Michele believes strongly in staying grounded in the words of her savior, Jesus Christ, protecting the innocence of children, and connecting with her children through books and literature.
Erin Anderson is a Senior Journalist for Texas Scorecard, reporting on state and local issues, events, and government actions that impact people in communities throughout Texas and the DFW Metroplex. A native Texan, Erin grew up in the Houston area and now lives in Collin County.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

You’re like me you’ve been distressed at the level of perversion, depravity being aimed directly at our children, the the government through a bunch of degenerate folks in the Democrat Party primarily but allowed by Republicans in the state of Texas. Republicans facilitate this debauchery. Yeah, they sign on the bottom line, they vote to keep all of this nastiness coming at toward our children. This this smut this filth, and they want to they want to disempower parents from doing anything about it. 

So it’s it’s been an ongoing battle folks. I think it took special significance about about a week ago when Senator Kennedy from Louisiana and a congressional hearing, read an example of some of the smut that the Texas House Republicans and the leadership and every single Socialist Democrat is trying to to make sure your children have access to and I wanted to play Senator Kennedy’s comments, and I wanted you to hear for yourself. The types of books that Charlie Garin the so called Republican from North Texas, the Dade Phelan and all the rest of his lieutenants are fighting so hard to make sure you parents have no power to keep out of your gov Ed schools. Listen to Senator Kennedy. 

“The first one is called all boys aren’t blue. And I will quote from it. I put some lube on and got him on his knees. And I began to slide into him from behind. I pulled out of him and kissed him while he masturbated. He asked me to turn over while he slipped a condom on himself. This was my ass. And I was struggling to imagine someone inside me. He got on top and slowly inserted himself into me. It was the worst pain I think I have ever felt in my life. Eventually, I felt a mix of pleasure with the pain. Close quote. All boys aren’t blue.” 

That is something that apparently the 24 Republicans who voted against parental school choice and education freedom, they want to continue to allow Marxists and socialists in the state of Texas, to continue to push that kind of crap onto your children. 

And let me just be perfectly plain. It has never been, nor will it ever be God’s job to impart sexual relationships on our children. We didn’t hire them to teach our children about sex. That’s never been part of their job description. However, when parents raise a stink and say no, you can’t do this. Then here comes Dade Phelan. Then here comes Charlie Garin, here comes, all of these Republicans 24 of them who sided with Marxist socialist Democrats to say sit down parents Shut up all these so called Rural Republicans who are legislating against their own people’s best interest against parents against children. They say hold on, we’re gonna keep this schmuck in front of your kids. We don’t give a damn what you say by the way, continue to pay up. We’re going They continue to extort tons of money out of you for this government run so called education. 

Does that sound educational to you? So many of us have been pushing for parental school choice and education freedom, not just happening, this smut inside of Gov Ed, there are other elements of government, where this garbage is being shoved down the throat and made accessible to our children. We talk about that next on the Salcedo storm podcast. 

Folks want to welcome our guests Michelle Nichols. She’s a wife and homeschool mom in Montgomery County, Texas. Michelle believes strongly in staying grounded in the words of the Savior Jesus Christ protecting the innocence of children and connecting those children with books and good literature. Erin Anderson is a senior journalist for Texas scorecard reporting affording on state and local issues, events and government actions that impact the people in their communities around Texas. She is based in North Texas in DFW and a native Texan to boot. Ladies. Welcome. 

Thanks, Chris. 

All right. So Michelle, I want to start with you. Because you put on an event here recently, and I think Aaron covered it. That was a event a library event see with a library type event. Now it wasn’t one of these events that was necessarily standing against the smut and pornography being pushed inside of public libraries and school libraries. It was more of a positive approach. Yes?

Yes, it was it was our first one is in was in January. And it was a just a positive that we wanted to read three books in the library. And just have a story our two other people showed up. We were asked by we were just going to do a few story hours. So friend of mine and I and and we were asked by several parents, well, we can’t afford to buy new books. What if Why can’t these books be in the library? And we were in the library. And so we decided to start a sub stack. And we recommended that people requests the books to be placed in the library. It’s a long it’s kind of a long story. But we got a lot of pushback. And I ended up going to Commissioner’s court and we ended up getting the brave books in well, congrats. Thank you. And so Erin covered the the third story hour that we did in May, which was a celebration of getting the right books into the library. 

Now for those of you who don’t know Trent Talbot is the creator we’ve interviewed him several times on on the Chris Saucedo shows on television and on radio and hear on the podcast as well. Trent Talbot is he he wasn’t he wasn’t a writer of children’s books, but he saw the aforementioned smart and pornography and decided to to get some high profile names to get out there and put some positive content with American pro Christian values as their themes rather than the debaucherous themes being pushed by by leftist inside of Gov Ed and inside the Democrat party. So Erin, Michelle mentioned a lot of pushback that she got to putting these, you know, these books into libraries. These are the same people who are decrying some folks out there who are burning these pornographic books saying, Oh, you’re burning books. And these are the same people trying to keep out positive books like brave books, who are these people that Michelle ran up against? 

Well, the show was actually kind of part of a broader movement where we see especially moms getting a look at some of the materials that their kids are exposed to. A lot of that has been happening in our public schools, that Michelle was actually in the public libraries outside the schools. And that’s where these story hours have started happening. And that’s where they were trying to get the, the brave book series, again, wholesome family values, Christian values, you know, a positive alternative to some of the smarter yearbooks, if you will, and the public librarians were also pushing that not wanting to to put those books in the library, even though there was a request from the parents. So fortunately, she had other other parents and, and active citizens went into the their County Commissioners Court, which oversees the County Public Library system different than having to go into the school boards where similar actions were taking place, and got the policies, you know, changed up so that the library would stock these good books that the families wanted for their kids to have access to. And I might add, I’m skipping you here, Michelle, but they got some of these, they got some of the more adult type content, books, moved, you know, Mark, marked and moved so that they wouldn’t be just right on the shelf where the kids could get them to where they had to have their parents, check them out for him. So they wouldn’t be just, you know, grabbing books unknowingly with it, you know, a cute unicorn on the front, and who knows what between. Right? 

All right, let me let me ask you when, when you said, Hey, I’d like to bring these positive, Christ centered pro American books into the public library, these public librarians, what did they say? What was their primary reason for opposing that? So we had, the first reason that we got was that all the books that they purchase have to be positive, really, positively reviewed by woke literary journal. So I added the word woke there, because I read them. And they seem pretty woke. And if they were not positive, and they look for two to three least positive reviews of from the literary journals, or that they’ve been placed on a book list, like an award, and the or they would not place them. And we were also told that they could not buy them themselves, because they were not. They were not an approved vendor. Great. So my very my first call, I called and I asked, Is this your official stance that free books will never go in the library, like just going forward because I was gonna go to Commissioner’s court that next Tuesday, and I was told, Well, maybe we might consider it if they’re donated. So then I went to Commissioner’s court. And I talked about the gender books, the alternate gender ideology books that I’m finding in the children’s section, that’s third. Some of these are chapter books that they don’t it’s not just that they have children that have alternate genders that have the various you know, transgender or non binary, but it’s also these books, explain children how to find this information on websites and how to cover their tracks from their parents. In chapter books, these are chapter books that second graders third graders, fourth graders are picking up. Some of them have nothing on the cover or in the inside flap that indicate that this is what their child picked up. And they’re going home with these books and these parents have no idea what is riding home in the car with them. Oh, no. So that is yes, that is the that is what my friend and I we have a substack two moms and some books. And that is what we have been focused on is those books in the children’s section because they’re in the children’s section. There There’s, there’s picture books as well. And so I brought those books to the commissioner’s court, its attention. And I mentioned several books. Because when I call the, the library director I mentioned like I’m finding these books and there’s no balance. So the library policy requires balance. It says, So I read it. That’s after we got this email, I read the library policy. And it requires balance. And there’s nothing in the library that that teaches traditional gender. And I’m not talking about Ramona Quimby by Beverly Cleary, where it’s just a traditional family. I’m talking about these books teach gender confusion. And so why are there not books like boys and girls? God made boys and girls helping children understand the gift of gender by Marty Mikulski, why are there not books like that, that explain that you are born, you are not born in the wrong in the wrong body, you are born in the right body, God created you. And it has science in it about the chromosomes X X chromosome and X Y chromosome and what that means. And at the end, it talks about being kind to people, even if they disagree with you about gender, you need to be kind to them. And I have that book I requested when I was on the phone with the director and I have yet to get it in the library. There are a stat that these books are still not balanced. And these books aren’t have not been moved. So it’s been how many days it has friends, I believe 71 days, it’s been 71 days, since the commissioners said that unanimously passed a resolution saying that all of these books should be moved to the adult section. And they should not be accessed unless there was someone over 18. And they cannot be checked out unless they’re over 18. And they are still in the children’s section. 

Erin, I gotta has happened. I’ve got to ask you about this, because this would this is where you come in. You saw the the treatment of this one guy was getting up and reading a passage from one of these books in a school board meeting in Fort Worth. All of these school boards won’t allow in the official record, the smut and pornography that they’re putting into schools. And in the public library sphere, what Michelle was talking about the level of obfuscation the level that they’re trying to hide this content so that parents don’t know. And then when they’re commanded to move pornographic material out of the reach of children, they fight you tooth and nail and they deny, and they and they stand against these lawful orders to protect children. How are elected officials defending that type of conduct? You know, it reminds me Aaron of when Governor Greg Abbott said no masking for children can be mandated in the government run schools did it anyway. It’s like you’re being told no, you can’t do this, but they’re doing it anyway. How was this allowed to happen? By your reporting? And who’s willing to take a stand from what you’ve run across? 

Well, I’m glad to get this update from Michelle because it sounds like Michelle is gonna have to take another stand. She was such a savvy citizen when she went in to Commissioner’s court, you know, and I listened to these things from all over the state sometimes on there. And sometimes I listened from a distance and I was so impressed by the, again, by the understanding she has she knew the rules. She brought in the the point about balance, and they had to capitulate, but are they following through sounds like it’s time for another article highlighting that that they have not yet followed through on this. And you know, what’s the old saying eternal vigilance. So, you know, the citizens, the parents, they can they can do all this but they have to continually, you know, watch and make sure that this is being done and bring it back to the attention of the same officials because the commissioner’s court feels like they check that box and it’s being done. They’re not going down to the library every week and see but guess what the moms are. So as usual, it’s on the moms to to continue to be vigilant and to continue to bring it up. And that’s one of the favorite things I’m able to do at Scorecard is you highlight some of this to give them some extra some extra volume to their voices so they get more attention and get you know get actual action and not just word. 

See what reminds me this reminds me of guises is the the legislature, the legislature passed a law no critical race theory in schools, but they said we’re not going to include any punishment. If anybody breaks that law. And we’re not going to police it we’re not going to set up any way to police it so it’s a meaningless gesture or talking to Michelle Nichols, folks, wife and and homeschool mom in Montgomery County, Texas. She is on a mission. She’s on a mission to make sure that there’s accountability and in the public libraries as far as what material is available for children, and Erin Anderson, senior journalist for Texas scorecard. And, by the way, when we’re talking Commissioner’s court, which Commissioner’s court for which county, are we talking about? Michelle? 

We are in montgomery county in Texas. 

Okay, so it’s Montgomery got Okay. Got it? Yeah. All right. So montgomery county, they issue these, these edicts, and they’re not being followed through. So why don’t we start naming some names Michelle knuckles, if you can, would you please tell us the name of the commissioners who are not following through on their order? 

Well, the commissioners are I mean I hope that they I think that they what I’m hoping and I’ll tell you, but I’m hoping that they are working on a policy, because I think that that is why they have they that is why things have stopped. So the library director, her name is Rhea yum. And she has not moved them and she was the one who was told to move them. And the commissioners, our Commissioner Riley, Commissioner Walker, Commissioner gray and Commissioner Novak and our judges judge Keough Judge Mark to judge Chios office has been very responsive to me, he they have been very supportive. And I believe that he is on our side, and he wants this to happen. we’ve been told to be patient, and to trust the process. And I my my curious, what I’m curious about is how, how long is the process? Right? Like how what what does that mean? And what why? 

Well, why does the process allow the streamlining placement of what you and I would consider pornography or smut to be freely injected into these into these public libraries at taxpayer expense, but it’s so hard to get them restricted so that kids, you know, liquor stores, right, are able to are able to facilitate me, they’ve got the covers on adult magazines they’ve got, they put them out of the reach of children, that seems to be easily implementable. I’m wondering, Erin Anderson, what the struggle is with a bureaucracy on the county level are these commissioners, courts. And let’s, let’s go ahead and take Michelle’s word on it, that these commissioners that they really want to do the right thing, and they recognize as a problem here, it seems to me that, that they they don’t have as much power and authority or they’re not exercising it as they should? 

Well, they certainly could, of course, you know, with liquor stores, you’ve got, you’ve got the TABC, which has their own police force. And I’m not suggesting that that’s, you know, that that’s necessarily the route but enforcement, and you mentioned it before, there has to be penalties and enforcement says somebody has to go around. I mean, certainly these I mean, these are, these are government employees certainly did get some sort of, you know, periodic review by some, you know, you would think this would be sort of part of it. Right? Are we are we following through with, you know, with directives from the county on what we’re supposed to be doing. And so, you know, the county’s a little bit different than the with the school districts, but it’s the same thing. And in the end, the accountability comes from the citizens, you know, demanding, you know, going up the chain of command and demanding that that, that they be held accountable. And again, maybe a lot of people probably don’t realize how that the County library system works. And who’s, you know, who reports to who, but yeah, you do go through this. This County Commissioners Court, which is a different, it’s different than the city, it’s different than the school board. Most people, probably fewer people go to their county government than any other. But they do. They do have a lot of they do have a lot of authority. But as far as, you know, hands on enforcement of things. No, and, you know, you there’s a there’s a lot of trusting going on, and not a lot of verifying. And and I think there needs to be a lot more verifying. And I don’t know who they would send out, you know, who are they who they who they dispatch to the local libraries to check on this. They don’t they rely on the moms to kind of report back around I think happens. And then I think. 

In my view, the next the next step is taxpayers, who is everybody saying, Look, this, these libraries are taxpayer funded, there has to be some sort of an accountability, you will follow the directives in the library of the commissioner’s court, or we’re going to start talking funding the money talks, ladies in my humble opinion. Well, the last thing I want to talk to you both about Michelle is, is what’s next for you and your organization? 

Well, this Saturday, Bray books is bringing Kirk Cameron down to I don’t know when this airs, but it’s happening this Saturday, it’s on the 23rd. of September, he’s coming to do a story hour at our local library. And we’re gonna, you know, attend as many of our friends will. And otherwise, we are going to continue to encourage the commissioners to, to enforce what they have already said, as far as moving the books or what somehow we need to make sure that parents are aware of what books are there. I mean, at one point, we even suggested they label them. And we were that was with the librarian, and we were, that was not followed. Also, we had a petition to get Tuttle twins books in, and which I don’t know if you’re familiar with Tuttle twins, but they, they teach free market ideas for children, my kids read them independently, they’re very good. They, they love them. And the commissioner has also said that expanded, they expanded the, the approved vendors, so that the library could purchase them. And they have not been purchased, either. The library has been spending a lot of money over the past since the end of last month, in the beginning of this month, on books over $20,000. And we have yet to see Tuttle twins ordered, which is interesting. 

That’s gonna be that’s gonna be an issue. And and because, again, directives are not being followed. Erin, how can how can Texas scorecard get the word out to other moms, other communities around Texas because, you know, montgomery county in the only one dealing with these issues, to where maybe the model that Michelle is put on and her group of moms are put on can be replicated? 

Yes. Well, I mean, you made a great point about how the, the material from the left seems to get in quite easily including the drag queen story, our craze, which got a lot of coverage, and again, was sort of what the brave books you see with the library that was supposed to counter, it’s like, well, let’s get let’s get readings over wholesome books. And when libraries actually said no, thank you, we don’t want your kind in here. It caused a big uproar. And that’s what led to you to this whole big sort of national wave of this alternative. And so that brought these events, these national events bring a lot of attention. Celebrities, like Kirk Cameron bring a lot of attention to what the issue is. But these local events, I mean, mom’s like, last month, like Michelle doing these local things over and over, you know, consistently in the community are really what opened people’s eyes, and they come out and they meet other people. But telling the story of someone like Michelle, who does stand up, he goes, who does the homework, he goes to court who holds it accountable. You know, every time we tell that story on our pages, to a statewide audience, other parents do see it, you know, and they’ll and they’ll like, oh, we can do that too. Or oh, maybe this is happening in our library. Sometimes they’ll contact us and ask what to do, and I’ll always put them right. It’s like, it’s like, don’t ask me I just wrote about it. Here’s here’s your information, contact her because she’s the expertise. Mom’s on the frontlines are the experts, they they have the stories, they’re taking the action, all we’re doing is telling their stories to, as you say, help others across the state either either recognize that maybe this is a problem or understand ways that they can effectively approach it. But at the community level is really where it happens. And you know, everyone has to to know their you got to know your libraries, know your know your local officials, and get in there and take the action. 

Yeah, well, I gotta tell you if, if dedicated pro family mom’s ran the Texas Legislature, we’d have no problems. That’s for sure. Michelle and Michelle Nichols and Erin Anderson. Ladies, I appreciate the visit. Thanks for being here on the Salcedo storm podcast. Thank you. Thank you for having me. 

So let this Salcedo storm podcast inspire you mama bears out there, get involved in your community. Take back your community. I say this a lot. But I think that we we’ve got to get out of this mindset that somehow our children and their futures belong to the government. Whether it be the folks in the library, the folks in Congress, the folks in the legislature, our children belong to us, their futures belong to us. God gave them parents, not government. Folks, check out all the latest and greatest on this battle of parents trying To get government from between parents and their children, you can catch that effort at Texas scorecard.com You can also catch up with me at Chris salcedo.com That’s where you go to find all of our social media hookups and track down the Chris Saucedo shows on KSC V on morning talk radio, and Newsmax TV in the afternoon at 4pm. Eastern till we visit again my friends remember this society’s worth not measured by how much power is stolen by government, rather by how much power is reserved for you and me. We the People, stay safe out there my friends.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai