The legislature must let competition work in the Texas electricity market.

The legislature must let competition work in the Texas electricity market.
Saving Texas involves redeeming Texans and Texas institutions, including civil government.
The best and only way to truly limit government in Texas is to limit the money.
Christians should understand that the focus of the efforts to remove Trump from the political scene is really an effort to undermine an American government and culture built on God’s Word.
We don’t need to spend time calling Americans back to conservatism; we need to call them to faith in Jesus.
The PUC had no authority–or good reason–to hike Texas electricity prices
The Eighth Commandment is very straightforward; do not take someone else’s private property.
Increasing regulations on the market in response to the blackouts is not the answer.
While the left defends unreliable energy sources, the numbers don’t lie.
As usual, the narrative of the mainstream media does not quite fit the facts.