Other have noted, however, that there is even more to be concerned about in the proposed curriculum changes.

Other have noted, however, that there is even more to be concerned about in the proposed curriculum changes.
“It’s time to draw a line in the sand on political correctness in our schools.”
A position once held by Ted Cruz, the solicitor general serves as the chief litigator for the state before both the U.S. Supreme Court and the Texas Supreme Court.
Darby is the fifth Republican to join the race.
While O’Rourke announced he would not debate Cruz this Friday, he also scheduled an appearance on Ellen DeGeneres’ talk show for next week.
Such a “coalition” arrangement previously led to the election of Speaker Joe Straus.
Texas taxpayers will recoup over $300 million from the IRS.
Straus’ reported cancellation of the festivities is leading some to speculate if the move is motivated by a desire to stifle turnout at the caucus speaker vote.
“Do the right thing and do not add further harm by increasing premiums.”
While the odds are low for any case to be heard by the Supreme Court, the request by the court for a response statistically changes the likelihood from 3.5% to 17%.