Charles Blain

Charles Blain is the president of Urban Reform and Urban Reform Institute. A native of New Jersey, he is based in Houston and writes on municipal finance and other urban issues.
SEIU Antics Garner Attention

SEIU Antics Garner Attention

The SEIU – one of the nation’s largest public sector employee unions – are finally coming under fire for their tactics.

Internal Audit Points to HISD Management

Internal Audit Points to HISD Management

While HISD’s official press releases have pointed blame for the overspending of bond funds to inflation. An internal report says that it was officials who overspent on construction projects without approval.

Woodlands Township Position 7: Laura Fillault

Woodlands Township Position 7: Laura Fillault

Laura Fillault is what the Woodlands needs to lead it in the coming years. Her effort has protected residents from unwanted projects, unnecessary bonds, and overspending, now it’s time for her to be on the board.

Houston City Council: District G

Houston City Council: District G

District G would be best served with either candidate. Both are passionate, dedicated, and well-equipped to handle the issues the city faces.

Sylvester Turner’s Hollow Endorsement

Sylvester Turner’s Hollow Endorsement

Without considering who would best handle Houston’s most serious problem: pension debt. The Houston Chronicle opted to endorse Turner and praise him for his years of being an elected official.

Patrick Wants Union Dues Examination

Patrick Wants Union Dues Examination

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s interim charge on union dues is meant to examine why unions, who largely donate to democrats, are able to collect employee dues using government resources, before employees even see their pay. During the 84th Legislative Session pro-union House...

HISD Vendor Forewarned Construction Problems

HISD Vendor Forewarned Construction Problems

Recently, a Houston school district employee refuted claims that the district's board was unaware of ongoing problems with budget and contracting practices. Now, a longtime HISD vendor, Charter Roofing, is also saying they too alerted Audit Committee Chair Trustee...