Charles Blain

Charles Blain is the president of Urban Reform and Urban Reform Institute. A native of New Jersey, he is based in Houston and writes on municipal finance and other urban issues.
Freedom to Preach

Freedom to Preach

In an unjustified move, the city of Houston has issued subpoenas to a number of Houston-area religious leaders. The subpoenas come in response to the pastors challenging a new city ordinance which, among other things, would make it legal for members of the opposite...

Houston Property Taxes On The Rise

Houston Property Taxes On The Rise

In a swift proceeding on Thursday, Houston ISD’s trustees voted on a 1-cent tax hike for property owners.  This comes on top of a 3-cent increase in 2013. These tax hikes are in response to the $1.89 billion voter-approved bond two years ago. According to Trustee...

If We Build It, Will They Come?

If We Build It, Will They Come?

Students, parents and other taxpayers living in Houston’s Third Ward are loudly voicing their grievances with Houston ISD (HISD), and the person they elected to represent them over a costly, yet seemingly unstoppable, project. The project, which will lead to the...