Greg Harrison

Gregory led the Central Texas Bureau for Empower Texans and Texas Scorecard. He attended the University of Texas at Austin, where he got involved politically through the Young Conservatives of Texas. He enjoys fishing, grilling, motorcycling, and of course, all things related to firearms.
Katy ISD’s Information Sharing Indicative of Objectives

Katy ISD’s Information Sharing Indicative of Objectives

In a letter sent September 25th, Katy Independent School District apologized to parents for releasing their email addresses via Public Information requests to PACs participating on both sides of the November bond election. The release resulted in parents receiving...

Raiding the Drainage Fund

Raiding the Drainage Fund

It is painfully apparent to Houstonians that their city’s financial practices are less than prudent.  With a strong-mayor system repeatedly run by far-left mayors whose official privilege includes writing the city budget, it comes as little surprise that Houston will...

Katy ISD Poster-Child for Statewide Bonding Reform

Katy ISD Poster-Child for Statewide Bonding Reform

Katy ISD School Board of Trustees unanimously voted last month to place a $750 million bond referendum on the November ballot, despite community requests to bifurcate the package giving voters more freedom over the fiscal decisions of their school district. The calls...

Political Maneuvering With Streetcar “Defeat”

Political Maneuvering With Streetcar “Defeat”

On Monday the 28th, recently appointed San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor called on the city to re-purpose $32 million previously set aside for an expensive and unpopular streetcar project on more general infrastructure improvement projects.  That’s certainly good news for...

Fort Worth ISD Once Again Demands Critical Voter Oversight

Fort Worth ISD Once Again Demands Critical Voter Oversight

We’ve previously touched on Fort Worth ISD’s unjustified borrowing addiction earlier this year, citing the district’s addition of over $1 billion in new debt since 2006 to finance “classroom growth” despite enrollment growing by less than four percent. Now, it seems...

Toth Fighting BISD Corruption

Toth Fighting BISD Corruption

In the defense of liberty, the importance of paying attention to local politics can hardly be overstated.  Unfortunately, it tends to take a back seat with most people, and we all eventually pay a high price for indifference.  Beaumont is one such case; residents are...

Deuell’s Conflict of Interest?

Deuell’s Conflict of Interest?

It is no secret among Austin insiders that Senator Bob Deuell has been “friendly” to the ObamaCare lobbyists at the Texas Medical Association.  He’s favored them by authoring legislation to expand Medicaid and supporting the enabling legislation that implemented...

Kadillac Krier

Kadillac Krier

As one could have expected from Joseph Krier’s habitually cavalier perspective towards fiduciary responsibilities,San Antonio’s interim city council appointment for  District 9 was quick to approve the first portion of a rate-hike package proposed by the San Antonio...