Michael Quinn Sullivan

Michael Quinn Sullivan is the publisher of Texas Scorecard. He is a native Texan, a graduate of Texas A&M, and an Eagle Scout. Previously, he has worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine contributor, Capitol Hill staffer, and think tank vice president. Michael and his wife have three adult children, a son-in-law, and a dog. Michael is the author of three books, including "Reflections on Life and Liberty."

Help The Good Guys

Hard to believe, but true, we do have a strong number of fiscally conservative lawmakers in the Texas Legislature. While outnumbered, they fight the fight for our values and principles regardless of political pressure. But doing the right thing comes at a cost. One of the taxpayers’ champions in the legislature is State Rep. Corbin Van Arsdale of Harris County.

Red-Lighting Hypocrisy

Confronted with not getting 100% of the money, the city of Nederland (near Beaumont) is backing out of their red-light camera contract.

Red-Light Funds

Proceeds from all those new red-light cameras are flowing into the state coffers – but the money isn’t being spent like people were told it would be. Oh, the shock and surprise.

Keffer’s Return

Texas taxpayers are getting an early Christmas present. Bill Keffer is running in House District 107.

Gross Tax

If anything demonstrates the folly of placing tax-cut rhetoric over the reality of spending restraint, it’s the creation of the state’s Gross Margins Tax by Republicans last year.


Tax Equity

More than two dozen members of the Texas Legislature are calling on Congress to maintain the sales tax deduction for Texans on our federal income taxes. Unless Congress acts, we’ll again lose this important protection.

Examining Agency Advocacy

State Sen. Dan Patrick and State Rep. Ken Paxton are wanting a formal review of the use of taxpayer money by the Texas Department of Transportation and other agencies on advertising. According to the Houston Chronicle, "the tally for advertising, publications and promotional items is easily close to $100 million or more in state and federal funds just for fiscal year 2008."

Leonard: Bad for Taxpayers

Voters in State House District 97 probably don’t need the reminder, but candidate Bob Leonard — the former rep-turned-lobbyist supported by the grow-government crowd — has an abysmal record on taxpayer issues. The Texas Legislature has too many faux fiscal conservatives as it is; we don’t need another one.

Not Taking The Government’s Medicine

Not Taking The Government’s Medicine

The government-first crowd constantly tells us poor children need the tender-loving mercies only big-government can provide. Well, apparently those parents don’t agree. The Dallas Morning News is reporting that a coalition of mostly tax-funded organizations is out trying to get people to sign their kids up for government health care. Which raises a metaphysical question: What if you spend billions on a program no one wants?

Corpus Right

I’m really excited about two incredible individuals who will be challenging incumbent Democrats in the 2008 general election.