Michael Quinn Sullivan

Michael Quinn Sullivan is the publisher of Texas Scorecard. He is a native Texan, a graduate of Texas A&M, and an Eagle Scout. Previously, he has worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine contributor, Capitol Hill staffer, and think tank vice president. Michael and his wife have three adult children, a son-in-law, and a dog. Michael is the author of three books, including "Reflections on Life and Liberty."
Spending On Stadium TVs

Spending On Stadium TVs

Apparently times aren't so tough when public schools are buying new flat-screen TVs to hang in the locker rooms and weight rooms of a newly remodeled football stadium. Just ask Glen Rose ISD (which is, of course, suing the state for more "education" money). The...

Obama DOJ Permits Election Fraud

Obama DOJ Permits Election Fraud

In slapping down Texas' voter identification law, the Obama Administration issued two undeniable policy preferences: for illegal voters, and against Texans governing Texas. Opposition to voter ID is about one thing, and one thing only: liberal politicians worried...

Special Nonsense

Special Nonsense

Columns in the Fort Worth Star Telegram and Austin American Statesman are today demanding a special legislative session be convened on school finance. Their contention is "politics" has hurt public-ed spending. But a special session in an election year? That's...

Obama Threatening Health Of Texas Women

Obama Threatening Health Of Texas Women

In one of the few substantive conservative victories during last year’s session, the Texas Legislature voted to ban abortion providers – including Planned Parenthood – and their subsidiaries from receiving state dollars. That law is now under attack, with the Obama...

Abbott Wins In Map Fight

Abbott Wins In Map Fight

When Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott decided to appeal the representational maps handed down by a San Antonio federal court panel, some acted like his was an exercise in futility. But after winning a unanimous decision from the US Supreme Court, and today’s release...

Straus Bets Big Against Conservatives

Straus Bets Big Against Conservatives

Texas House Speaker Joe Straus is once again campaigning against conservatives in 2012. In state, he is fundraising against the re-election of conservative State Rep. James White in favor of carpet-bagging moderate Mike "Tuffy" Hamilton. And nationally, Mr. Straus has...

Strong Texas Tea

They just won’t go away, these tea-party-types so intent on reclaiming their government. The tea party movement’s political obituary was being written before the birth announcement was printed. Yet they keep getting stronger, freshly influencing politics and policy....

Testing Champion

Testing Champion

Suddenly it's fashionable to be against the ridiculously expensive state-imposed public school testing regimen. Let's not forget that just a year ago the House education committee wouldn’t even take a vote on a cash-saving proposal by taxpayer champion and State Rep....

Disenfranchising Democracy

When liberal partisans cannot win at the ballot box or in the court of public opinion, they push their agenda through the courts. Litigious-liberals are delaying elections and disenfranchising voters in a naked attempt to steal elections from the people of Texas. It’s...

Gambling Against Texas

Gambling Against Texas

Much has been made by the Texas House speaker and others about the alleged need for “new revenues” in state government. So some big-spenders just happen to have a ready-made solution, a magic money-making elixir: expanded gambling. And some conservatives are foolishly...