As warned by grassroots leaders, the governor’s “relief” plan actually resulted in higher property tax bills for most homeowners.

As warned by grassroots leaders, the governor’s “relief” plan actually resulted in higher property tax bills for most homeowners.
Show me the bill for 2021. Abortion abolition, PreNDA, and the “heartbeat bill” all failed to pass in Texas in 2019.
In Texas and other states less affected by the Chinese coronavirus, many medical facilities are seeing a significant drop in ER visits and patient volume.
The Trump administration denied a $38 million funding request for Kay Granger’s real estate project, instead funding a feasibility study that the congresswoman has repeatedly resisted.
The representative knows the study never happened—yet she tells a different story on the campaign trail.
Granger’s son remains executive director of a $1.2 billion project that’s stuck in the “design” phase after 13 years and $383 million in taxpayer funds spent.
Only 8 percent of Americans surveyed rightly believe that extreme global poverty has dropped since 1990.
While President Trump is handily beating all of his individual opponents, the combined Democrat field outraised him in 2019 by a staggering margin.
Chambers of commerce often support the anti-taxpayer policy agendas of cities, rather than the taxpaying businesses they claim to represent.
Speaker Straus’ former chief of staff has been hired by the taxpayer-funded Texas Municipal League to lobby against taxpayers in 2021.