For busy citizens in Montgomery County, just because a political meeting takes place while they are at work doesn’t mean they have to miss out on being informed and holding their elected officials accountable, thanks to the tireless efforts of local activist Bill Brenza.

It is extremely rare to find a meeting in Montgomery County where Brenza is not present with a camera in tow, be it a city council, school board, commissioners court, or tea party meeting. Brenza films and livestreams entire meetings on his Facebook and YouTube channels, Montgomery County Politics Live TV (MCPLive.TV), so anyone unable to attend the meetings can watch them at their convenience and stay informed.

Brenza has long had a passion for using technology to level the playing field between the grassroots and the establishment, empowering citizens to hold their politicians accountable. Brenza first became well-known on the local political scene when volunteering for the Texas Patriots PAC, a local tea party organization, by handling their technology and website.

At the beginning of 2018, Brenza launched his online livestreaming network, MCPLive.TV, which has continued to grow in content and viewership. Not only does MCPLive.TV broadcast recorded government meetings, but it also serves as a platform for local grassroots commentary.

MCPLive.TV currently hosts three weekly shows: The flagship “This Week in Montgomery County Politics,” the network’s original show co-hosted by Brenza himself along with Republican Steering Committeeman Jon Bouche; “It’s Hammer Time,” hosted by The Golden Hammer founder Eric Yollick; and “The Christian Collins Show,” hosted by the eponymous local political consultant. Brenza is the producer of all three shows.

Although Brenza is a humble individual who does not seek out the spotlight, he has become one of the top leaders in the Montgomery County Republican Party. He’s currently serving as the first chairman of the MCRP Technology Committee, which was originally his idea.

Before Brenza, the local Republican Party was mostly stuck in the 1990s when it came to technology. However, he soon began updating the party’s technological infrastructure and using new ways to contact voters. He was largely responsible for the MCRP’s enormous success in the 2018 election, helping U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz win 72 percent of the vote in Montgomery County. He is currently working on ways to make the party’s get-out-the-vote effort more effective in 2020.

While Brenza’s work is mostly behind the scenes and behind the camera, his influence and work can be felt all over Montgomery County, and those who are politically involved know how much he does for the conservative cause. That he sacrifices his time and does all this as a volunteer to serve his community makes Brenza a true profile in citizen leadership.

Reagan Reed

Reagan Reed is the East Texas Correspondent for Texas Scorecard. A homeschool graduate, he is nearing completion of his Bachelor’s Degree in History from Thomas Edison State College. He is a Patriot Academy Alumni, and is an Empower Texans Conservative Leader Award recipient.