“For many years I trusted that my country was in good hands. That was until this administration took office and I realized my country was changing at an alarming pace,” said Pat Tibbs, a founder, board member, and the president of the Montgomery County Tea Party (MCTP).

Tibbs and her husband have lived in Montgomery County for 35 years, but it wasn’t until a few years back that she felt compelled to get active in local politics. For months she said she wrote letters and made phone calls, but mostly just complained. That’s when it hit her: “If I wasn’t a part of the solution then I was no better than those who were destroying my freedoms,” said Tibbs.

Following that spark of interest, Tibbs started attending tea party rallies and getting involved. About four years ago she, along with some likeminded friends, decided to form the Montgomery County Tea Party. “I have dedicated much of the last 6 years actively trying to make a difference,” says Tibbs. “It is not what I planned on doing; it’s what I must do.”

Since becoming involved she has fought hard for the pro-life cause. “Life is my passion, life is a gift from our creator and we must protect it.”

Though she has always been patriotic, she never saw herself as a political person. But as she sees it, there’s a lot of work to do. “Until Americans stop ignoring what is going on in all levels of government and start getting educated on the facts I have to keep trying to expose the truth,” she said. “I don’t see how anyone who professes to believe in God could sit back and not get involved.”

Although most of Tibbs’ time is consumed presiding over the MCTP, she is also an active member of the Montgomery County Republican Women and the Montgomery County Eagle Forum. She stays active because she “hopes to have some small part in getting young people involved in taking back our God-given liberties.”

Tibbs has helped shape a number of young prominent activists across Montgomery County, and she’s most proud of her group for providing scholarships to deserving young conservatives to attend the Patriot Academy. “These young people are the future. I hope I live to see at least one of them serve in local or state government. I am so proud of their passion and commitment,” Tibbs says.

Tibbs has two children, and three granddaughters. In her free time she helps campaign for local, state, and federal conservative candidates. She also spends time educating others on conservative causes. Without her efforts, Montgomery County would be lacking a powerful conservative advocate who has done so much to advance the cause.

Charles Blain

Charles Blain is the president of Urban Reform and Urban Reform Institute. A native of New Jersey, he is based in Houston and writes on municipal finance and other urban issues.