The unwarranted attack on Texan’s inalienable right to self-defense is intensifying. There is no question, Texans’ GOD-GIVEN RIGHT to self-defense is under attack. The battle lines have been drawn and it is crystal clear that the socialist Democrat politicians on the left and those with a left-leaning heart have gun confiscation as their No. 1 target in Texas.

I know of no Republican who has or would campaign for gun confiscation in violation of our Second Amendment rights. We have looked but cannot find a single website or Facebook page where a Republican House or Senate member is advocating any new law aimed at increased gun control, much less gun confiscation.

In fact, most Republicans indicate strong Second Amendment support.

However, there exists within the Capitol a strong push for “expanded background checks.” This should be a real “red flag” (no pun intended) for gun owners. The natural erosion of our rights is inevitable once we start down the path of gun control. Gun confiscation in Germany, China, and European communist countries did not happen in one quick step; it happened over a period of time, one step at a time, with each small step moving closer and closer to the goal of gun confiscation.

Expanded background checks on firearm sales will result in a de facto government gun registration scheme. Currently, the information is collected by licensed arms dealers who are required to maintain the information, which means they are only one legislative session away from being required to report that information to the federal government. It is at that point, historically, that governments have begun to pass so-called “commonsense” laws to remove guns from the hands of so-called “dangerous” individuals. Unfortunately, the definition of “dangerous” is in the eye of the beholder, and political beliefs on one party’s part can be interpreted as “dangerous” by a tyrannical government.

As shown in the graphic below, gun confiscation is only four steps away from expanded background checks, and those were the steps taken by Germany in the 1930s to disarm German citizens.



In Texas, Republicans control the government. However, our state can still start down the road to gun confiscation if well-meaning citizens and politicians forget history and think that, this time, so-called “commonsense” laws intended to keep guns out the hands of so-called “dangerous” individuals simply won’t infringe on the right or ability for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Republicans have long promised Texans we would protect their Second Amendment rights. We must pray that those promises are kept. Although I’m not on the ballot this time around, I will be supporting only those candidates who truly support the original intent of the Second Amendment. In fact, Texans would be well served to only support candidates who believe in and advocate for moving to the right, as shown in the graphic, by allowing all law-abiding citizens to have the ability to defend themselves, their families, and others in all circumstances.

The “line in the sand” for your right to self-defense has been drawn. Those who love LIBERTY will support ZERO COMPROMISE. There is no middle ground. Everyone will be on one or the other side of this issue.

Again, I state: “I know not on which side others will stand, but I promise you that I, and my family, will stand with liberty and fight for law-abiding citizens’ GOD-GIVEN RIGHT to self-defense. I pray you will stand with me, so our children and grandchildren can enjoy the fruits of liberty our Founding Fathers intended.”

This is a commentary submitted and published with the author’s permission. If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard, please submit your article to

Bob Hall

Bob Hall is the state senator for Senate District 2, which serves Kaufman, Navarro, Rockwall, Van Zandt counties, and parts of Dallas, Ellis, and Collin.