All civil servants, but especially elected officials of every level, owe it to their constituents to be good stewards of the money taken from the taxpayers and to use it to better the community, county, state, or nation.

When conservatives are motivated to run for election because of poor leadership, poor stewardship, or borderline criminal behavior from elected officials, they do not always take the time to learn the rules because they don’t have staff that has experience or they are too busy trying to fix the things they are knowledgeable about.

I am more involved than most in engagement with elected officials and protesting taxation, but because I never learned all of the rules, I didn’t realize the tactics that were available to conservatives.

Lubbock County Commissioners Jason Corley (Precinct 2) and Chad Seay (Precinct 4) took the time to learn the rules and, as explained in the video from “Lubbock Taxpayers Coalition” on Facebook, they are going to play by the rules—and all taxpayers, not just conservatives, will win in Lubbock County.

Take two minutes to watch their video, and then call your county commissioners and ask why they aren’t willing to do the same thing, the right thing, to protect taxpayers.



This is a commentary submitted and published with the author’s permission. If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard, please submit your article to
Kris Shafer

Shafer is a proud Central Texas native, concerned citizen, political activist, and Texas Tech alumnus.