Texas district attorneys are supposed to be on the front lines, investigating and prosecuting election fraud.

Unfortunately, in too many cases, these political animals are derelict in their duties and might be using their power to enable election interference.

Are these rogue elected officials put in positions of power to do just that? Let’s take a look at Bexar County District Attorney Joe Gonzales.

Wild Goose Chase

In August, Joe Gonzales asked Attorney General Ken Paxton if Bexar County could prosecute a federal official for violating Texas election law.

The asinine request relied on the latest spun-up narrative that President Trump, via his postmaster general, was intentionally undermining the postal service to win in November.

To service this latest “orange man bad” conspiracy theory, the media reported—and Gonzales regurgitated—that post office boxes were being rounded up, men in MAGA hats were towing postal trucks, and sorting machines were decommissioned en masse.

Fake news. Changes taking place at USPS were planned, and President Obama undertook similar efforts.

To the extent that changes at USPS coincide with and exacerbate Democrats’ hurried attempts to expand mail-in voting in the months leading up to the election, claims of disenfranchisement should be laid at their door, not Trump’s.

Last year, federal authorities prosecuted and secured a guilty plea from an illegal immigrant who voted for 24 years with a stolen ID. He was reportedly from Bexar County.

Pursuing charges on fake news grounds is a waste of time and taxpayer resources. In Bexar County, we have an example of a DA who appears to be more interested in pursuing a sideshow than ensuring an upright election.


In 2018, the question was raised: Why is progressive billionaire donor George Soros buying district attorneys?

Investments by Soros in DA races around the country have been reported by major news outlets, including the L.A. Times, Fox News, and CNN, among others.

Could these investments, dating back to at least 2016, be paying off in 2020? Possibly.

Soros-backed DAs across the country have been causing chaos by subverting law and order, allowing rioters to walk free after destroying property or injuring American citizens.

Gonzales, per reporting from the San Antonio Express-News, was backed by the Texas Justice & Safety political committee. According to Transparency USA, Soros has dropped $3.6 million into the PAC dating back to 2017.

In addition to Gonzales in Bexar County, the Soros-affiliated organization spent over half a million backing Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg in 2016. Harris County is at the center of one of the most aggressive pushes to undermine Texas election law during the 2020 election.

Changes Needed

Texas is a big state, and local officials have historically handled running elections. But recent pushback against list maintenance efforts and the transparent usurpation of law in 2020 suggest it’s time for a change.

This includes the investigation and prosecution of fraud.

If local officials like the Bexar County DA are too busy grandstanding, thereby inviting fraud into elections, resources that should be earmarked for securing elections should be reallocated to law enforcement officials who are able and willing to perform the task.

After suspected fraud, when criminal cases are identified, they need to be built out and quickly prosecuted to ensure trust in elections.

A case can be made that this will not happen at the local level as long as Soros operatives are in charge, and power needs to be more widely distributed for the attorney general and civil cases filed against harvesters in Texas.

If these changes aren’t pursued, Soros may move from messing with Texas to running it.

This is a commentary published with the author’s permission. If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard, please submit your article to submission@texasscorecard.com.

Daniel Greer

Daniel Greer is the Director of Innovation for Texas Scorecard.