I am not a career politician and one of the things I find most distasteful in politics are politicians who say one thing during the campaign yet do another once elected. I am pleased to announce that last week I was independently ranked as the 8th most conservative legislator in the State (out of 150).
Transitioning from running my business as an Ace Hardware dealer to representing my district on the House Floor as a newly elected State Representative has been exciting. This was a historic session, and one where our Conservatives principles advanced. We were successful on a number of fronts because we stuck together and stuck by our values.
These are the things we accomplished:
Sanctity of Life: As co-author of SB-8, we delivered several substantial pro-life victories this session, including banning dismemberment abortions and prohibiting the sale of fetal tissues and organs.
Illegal Immigration & Sanctuary Cities: I co-authored SB 4 and successfully fought to make the bill stronger. This ‘Sanctuary Cities bill’ was signed by Governor Abbott on May 7th and will be effective on 9/1/17. This bill will strengthen state sovereignty in enforcing immigration law by creating penalties for local entities and campus police departments who support Sanctuary Cities! Individuals found acting against immigration law will now be held liable personally and financially! The penalty will range from $1,000 to $25,500 and will be deposited into the Compensation to Victims of Crime account. It also allows the Attorney General to petition for removal of a violating public official and creates a grant program in the Office of the Governor to provide assistance to offset costs for full immigration enforcement.
Taxes and Spending: We delivered a conservative budget that did NOT increase taxes AND spending was kept below population and inflation growth. This was the most pro-life budget in Texas history; including defunding Planned Parenthood and its affiliates.
We also found a delicate balance to protect those in need. In this budget, teacher’s retirement and healthcare programs received much needed additional funds. Border security funding was maintained despite opposition by some Republicans and Democrats. Education spending adequately met enrollment growth, and (unlike the initial House budget) our final version does not skip or defer payments to the Foundation School Program or borrow from the Rainy Day Fund for ongoing expenses.
After years of inaction on Sanctuary Cities, we are finally cracking down on illegal immigration and moving our conservative values forward. Now is not the time to give up! Property tax reform remains my top priority and my hope is that we can work together to force the issue to the top of the agenda this Special Session.
I will be hosting a call in Tele Town Hall on Sunday, July 9th at 5pm. Please take the opportunity to call in at (832) 463-3767 to join us for a conversation on Property Tax Reform and more. I want to hear from you heading into this Special Session. I need your input on the issues that are most important to you!