The Republican Party Platform was voted on by Texans, from all over the state, at the Republican Convention. Of all of the issues discussed, the top priority of Texans was the passage of “Constitutional Carry,” changing state law such that all law-abiding Texans could fully access their right to keep and bear arms—without having to ask permission from their government.
If you can legally possess a firearm, you should be able to carry it. It’s our God-given right enshrined in both the Texas and U.S. Constitutions. Right now, in the State of Texas, citizens are required to beg for permission to exercise their right. It also requires hefty fees and expensive mandated classes in order to obtain the license. This failure to allow Texans to exercise their right to protect themselves in whatever way they see fit is especially alarming, considering the Second Amendment is the one that protects every other right.
Despite a tidal wave of grassroots support from Texans all over the state, liberal Republicans in both chambers of the Texas Legislature colluded with Democrats to kill the measure this session. My bill, Constitutional Carry, was bottled up in committee by Chairman Phil King, a lieutenant of House Speaker Joe Straus and a weaker version of the bill carried by State Rep. James White was killed in the Calendars Committee by Chairman Todd Hunter, another Straus loyalist.
When Gov. Greg Abbott announced he was calling us back to Austin for a special session I was ecstatic, and I was even more impressed when I saw the list of 20 conservative reforms he’s calling on the Texas Legislature to pass. While each of the issues included in Abbott’s call are important and have my full support, I was severely disappointed that Constitutional Carry, the number one priority of so many Texans, failed to make the governor’s list. During a special session, the governor has the unique opportunity to bypass the moderate Republicans and Democrats in the House, to force them to take votes they do not want to take.
Another governor of Texas, Sam Houston, once said, “Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may.” And he’s right. The people of this state will fight tooth and nail until their rights are protected, and I will fight alongside them.
Governor Abbott, it’s time to add constitutional carry to your other twenty items on the call and #PassThemAll!