For the past few years, the City of Amarillo has been the focus of a national abortion battle that has brought a national pro-abortion organization all the way from the East Coast to the South Plains. But this is not just any pro-abortion organization, this is one of the largest pro-abortion organizations in the country and one whose political action committee has endorsed Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America. That organization is called Women’s March and according to Alex Soros, son of George Soros and chair of The Open Society Foundations, Women’s March was once believed to be “the largest protest in U.S. history.” The following commentary gives a detailed look at how the Women’s March has been involved in trying to turn the tide in favor of abortion rights in the City of Amarillo. From pressuring the courts to pressuring the city council, the content laid out in this commentary will chronologically show just how engaged and aggressive the Women’s March has been in one of Texas’ most conservative cities. 

On Tuesday, January 31, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “ANNOUNCING: Emergency Action in Amarillo!” The email to their supporters read, “we want you to be the first to know: Women’s March and our partner organizations are going to Amarillo, Texas to bring attention to Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration – the new anti-abortion lawsuit to ban one of the most commonly prescribed abortion medications.” The email from the national pro-abortion organization continued, “Here’s what you need to know: Anti-abortion extremists want to overturn the FDA’s approval of a key abortion pill. If the judge rules in their favor, this pill would be banned across the ENTIRE country . . . medication abortion is safe, effective, essential medication — in fact, medical abortion is the most common form of abortion care in the U.S. We will NOT let extremists take it away without a fight.

The next day, on Wednesday, February 1, 2023, Women’s March sent out a second email about their Amarillo protest, titled, “They can go to hell – we’ll go down to Texas.” The email read, “On February 11th, we’re heading to Texas . . . We’re uniting with our pro-choice partners to fight back against the potential NATIONWIDE ban on medication abortions. We’re marching because our judicial system is fundamentally broken — it always has been — and we refuse to let a small group of extremists decide if and how we receive the medical care we need.” The email continued, “On February 11th, we’re raising hell again. On February 11th, we’re holding an emergency mobilization in Amarillo, Texas – where a Trump-appointed judge is about to rule on a lawsuit challenging the FDA’s longstanding approval of a pill used for medication abortions. Let’s be perfectly clear: This is not about safety. This is about controlling women’s bodies. It’s about telling us how and when we can get the medical care we need. And we KNOW we can’t trust our legal system to protect our freedoms and our rights.”

The next day, on Thursday, February 2, 2023, Women’s March sent out a third email to their followers about the February 11 protest. This email was titled, “Re: Our plans to FIGHT BACK in February.” The email read, “ABORTION ACCESS UPDATE: Extremists seek to END abortion pill access . . . you need to know what anti-abortion radicals have in store for us. Not only are they restricting access to abortion everywhere they can, but they’re also attempting a nationwide BAN on the pills used for medication abortions. F*ck that.” The email continued, “We’re mobilizing in Amarillo, Texas in just over a week, but . . . we have to tell you the truth: Our actions over the fall and winter made waves – from flipping white women voters in Georgia to marches in Madison, D.C., New York, and every state in the nation – but they were NOT cheap. Now that we’re gearing up for another fight, we need to turn to you again.” 

On Saturday, February 4, 2023, Women’s March sent out a fourth email about their upcoming protest in Amarillo. The email was titled, “ONE WEEK TO MOBILIZE.” The email read, “We’re ONE WEEK away from our emergency mobilization in Amarillo . . . Access to a critical abortion pill is on the line, and we’re activating our network to take on the bad actors who want to abuse the legal system to attack our human rights.” The email continued, “This case is about one thing: anti-abortion radicals believe that they should get to control the rest of our bodies, lives, and futures. They were emboldened by the fall of Roe — now, they think they can get away with restricting abortion access even further . . . we can’t count on the legal system to defend our rights. We have to do it ourselves.”

On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, Women’s March sent out a fifth email about their Amarillo protest. The email was titled, “We DEMAND medication abortion access.” The email read, “in FOUR days, we’re headed to Amarillo, Texas to mobilize support for abortion medication, but you don’t have to be there in person to make your voice heard. Here’s what you need to know: A Trump-appointed federal judge is set to rule on the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of a key abortion pill. Right now, medication abortion is the most common form of abortion care in the U.S. But if the judge chooses to overturn the FDA approval, medication abortion could be BANNED across the country, even in states where abortion remains legal.” 

On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, Women’s March sent out a sixth email about their Amarillo protest. This email was titled, “Fight back.” The email read, “Did you know? Medication abortion is the MOST common form of abortion care in the U.S. But now, anti-abortion activists and a Trump-appointed federal judge have put medication abortion ON THE LINE. We’re headed to Amarillo, Texas in an emergency mobilization to fight for medication abortion — because this attack on abortion pills isn’t about safety. It’s about controlling our bodies.

On Thursday, February 9, 2023, Tamika Middleton with Women’s March sent out the seventh email about the protest from the national organization. The protest was titled, “Got bus fare?” The email read, “On Saturday, we hit the streets in defense of medication abortion. Personally? I’m beyond ready to get out there.” The email continued,But I’ll be honest — there’s still a ton we have to do to make our mobilization a success . . . we organized buses to make sure as many people as possible can show up in Amarillo this weekend, and we need to offset that expense. I’m asking you to donate ASAP to help cover our transportation costs.”

On Friday, February 10, 2023, Women’s March sent out the eighth email about the Amarillo protest. This email was titled, “Re: Tomorrow’s Emergency Mobilization.” The email read, “Medication abortion is on the line. We’re just hours away from our emergency mobilization in Amarillo, but even if you’re not joining us in Texas, we NEED you to make your voice heard! A Trump-appointed federal judge may rule at any moment to overturn the Food & Drug Administration’s approval of a critical medication abortion pill. If he does, it could be BANNED nationwide.” The email directed followers to sign a petition expressing their opposition to the case before Amarillo’s court, stating, “The courts have no business interfering with FDA approval. Sign on to tell them to stay out of the way of our medication access!”

On Saturday, February 11, 2023, Women’s March sent out their ninth and final email leading up to the Amarillo protest. The email was titled, “Last ask before our emergency mobilization.” The email read, “Our emergency mobilization in defense of abortion medication is TODAY, and we need your immediate support . . . all eyes are on Amarillo. In just hours, we’ll unite with allies to rally for abortion medication. But our fight’s not done after today.” The email continued: 

It was just announced that the Trump-appointed federal judge here in Amarillo has pushed back his ruling that could overturn the Food & Drug Administration’s approval of a critical abortion medication and effectively BAN it nationwide. We may have pushed the decision back, but this isn’t the end of the fight . . . Medication abortion is the most common form of abortion care in the U.S. If it’s banned, we need to see nationwide protests in the streets, at state capitols, and everywhere decisions are made.

At the rally, the Executive Director of Women’s March, Rachel O’Leary Carmona, joined with a variety of different pro-abortion leaders and organizations, including Shaunna Thomas with Ultraviolet, Sheila Katz with the National Council of Jewish Women, Erica Davis-Crump with the New Mexico Black Central Organizing Committee, and Claudia Stravato with the Unitarian Universalist Association. The protest was called the Bigger Than Roe Rally and it was held across the street from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas in Amarillo. Carmona told KAMR News, “We have folks from local churches and congregations. We have folks from Abortion Access Amarillo, who are coming through.” Carmona continued, “So, we have statewide ties, local ties, and then, of course, our national ties that, you know, work with us on all of our mobilizations and that will be coming through as well.” 

When asked about how she felt about those who were trying to ban abortion access, Carmona told the Amarillo Globe-News, “They are a very small and vocal minority that are out of touch with the American people.” Carmona continued, “There have been six ballot initiatives since the Dobbs decision, and reproductive freedom has been protected in all of them. They are titled to their opinions and freedom of speech, but the fact of the matter is that they are out of touch with the will of most Americans.” Carmona expressed the belief that if abortion were ever placed on the ballot in Texas, abortion would win overwhelmingly. She said, “They will not put it on the ballot in Texas because they know they will lose, so they try to get friendly judges to take away women’s reproductive rights.” 

The abortion activist continued, “This is why they choose venues like this to push their anti-woman and anti-American agenda.” In opposition to the Bigger Than Roe Rally, a pro-life rally was held across the street. The pro-life rally was called the “Stand for Life Rally” and was hosted by various pro-life organizations including Project Destiny Amarillo, Right to Life of East Texas, and West Texas For Life.

On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, Tamika Middleton with Women’s March sent out an email to their followers titled, “We’d rather be in the streets.” The email read, “I’m coming to you directly today . . . This Friday is the deadline for filing for the case in Amarillo, Texas where Judge Kacsmaryk could rule to overturn the approval of an essential abortion medication. We have to be prepared if that happens.” 

Days later, on Saturday, February 25, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “MIFEPRISTONE LAWSUIT: Everything You Need To Know.” The email read, “A federal court ruling is expected to BAN the abortion pill. We want to make sure you have the facts. We get a little bit in the weeds, but this is important, so we hope you’ll read to the end and consider supporting our work to fight back.” The email from Women’s March continued: 

In November, an anti-abortion group formed in Amarillo, TX filed a lawsuit asking a federal judge to overturn Food & Drug Administration approval of mifepristone, the first of two medications used in medication abortion, which is the most common form of abortion care in the USA. Mifepristone was approved back in 2000 and has long been considered safe and effective by experts. In fact, it sends fewer people to the ER than Tylenol and Viagra. The suit was brought before the Amarillo Division of the Northern District of Texas, ensuring that the judge hearing the case is one appointed by Donald Trump. If this federal judge rules to overturn FDA approval, it could effectively ban the abortion pill everywhere, even in states that protect the right to abortion. The federal government would then likely ask a higher court to place a ‘stay’ (a pause) on the ruling. Critically, that higher court would be the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Under Donald Trump, that court came to be known as the ‘most extreme’ court in the United States. After that, the case would go on to the far-right Supreme Court . . . access to medication abortion hinges on our broken legal system and far-right, extremist judges. Almost all state attorneys general have weighed in on the case, with 22 Republican AGs in support of overturning approval and 22 Democratic AGs opposed. 67 House Republicans also joined the far-right request to overturn approval. The plaintiff anti-abortion groups also recently requested an accelerated trial schedule. Earlier this week, the judge denied that request. Yesterday was the final day for both sides to submit their arguments. A ruling is expected imminently . . . they can’t push through legislation at the federal level, so this lawsuit is how anti-abortion radicals plan to ban most abortions EVERYWHERE. It’s clear what’s about to happen — and it’s crunch time. We need to be ready to mobilize IMMEDIATELY if (when) the abortion pill is banned. Please, make your first donation right now so we can hit the streets and raise hell.

On Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “We did this.” The email read: 

I wanted to give you a quick update on our fight for the abortion pill, mifepristone. Here’s the most recent development: A few days ago, 12 Democratic AGs sued the Food & Drug Administration in a bid to make mifepristone more accessible . . . In January, when no one was talking about the threat to FDA approval of mifepristone, we shone a light on anti-abortion radicals’ attack on the medication. We headed to Amarillo, TX to rally in support of access to the most common form of abortion care in the USA. Now, *everyone’s* taking notice. News outlets from across the country and around the world are covering this lawsuit and how important its outcome is to abortion access nationwide. When Republican House members and state Attorneys General filed a brief in support of the lawsuit against mifepristone, we called them out. But the fight’s not over. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Mifepristone is a safe, effective, essential medication that has been used for two decades in abortion and miscarriage care. We DEMAND that it remain legal and accessible . . . it’s likely that the lawsuit against mifepristone won’t go our way. We’ll want to be able to respond ASAP. I’m asking you to commit your first $5 donation right now so we can get ready to raise hell. 

On Tuesday, March 2, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “about the lawsuits.” The email read:

MIFEPRISTONE LAWSUITS: The latest news… and what comes next. Dueling federal lawsuits could send the fate of the abortion pill mifepristone to the right-wing Supreme Court . . .  Just days ago, 12 Democratic state Attorneys General also sued the FDA in a different federal court — but this is a lawsuit we can get behind. The Democrats challenged FDA restrictions on how mifepristone can be dispensed and asked the eastern district of Washington to prevent any FDA action that could take mifepristone off the market. If two different federal courts issue conflicting rulings on the same subject, the Supreme Court is likely to have to get involved. Thanks to Donald Trump’s handpicked justices, far-right conservatives have a supermajority on the Court. Our access to mifepristone could come down to them . . . It’s crunch time. We need to be ready to mobilize IMMEDIATELY if (when) the abortion pill is banned. Please, make your first donation right now so we can hit the streets and raise hell.

On Monday, March 13, 2023, Tamika Middleton with Women’s March sent out an email titled, “making sure our team stays focused.” The email reads:

I’m bumping up this email because we cannot afford to forget what we’re up against. Right-wing radicals are still trying to effectively BAN the most common method of abortion care nationwide through a federal lawsuit before a Trump-appointed judge. And right now, they’re hoping that the news cycle has moved on and we’ve forgotten all about their plot. While we’re waiting for a decision in this case (and another, competing federal lawsuit by Democrats to keep mifepristone available), we can’t get complacent. We’ve seen what happens when the justice system gets involved in adjudicating reproductive rights, and it is NOT good. We have to be ready at a moment’s notice to raise hell for mifepristone access.

On Tuesday, March 14, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “ANNOUNCING: Emergency Action TOMORROW in Amarillo!” The email read: 

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 9 AM CST EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION IN AMARILLO, TX . . . Women’s March is showing up TOMORROW in Amarillo, Texas to bring attention to the Texas judge’s decision to hold the mifepristone ruling in the dark. ICYMI: The Trump-appointed judge over this case scheduled a hearing for this week in the abortion-pill lawsuit, but he has delayed announcing it publicly to ‘minimize protests.’ . . . they’re trying to ban the most commonly used abortion medication quickly and quietly because they know we’ll show up, again and again, to fight like hell for our rights. Medication abortion is safe, effective, and essential medication. We will NOT let extremists take it away without a fight.

On Wednesday, March 15, 2023, Women’s March held their rally protesting the first hearing of the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA case before Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk at the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas in Amarillo. The rally hosted by Women’s March was called “Taking the Circus to the Clown.” An advertisement of the event posted on the Women’s March website read: 

Dedicated to Matthew J. Kacsmaryk, a politician in robes who is making a mockery of justice. He says he doesn’t want a ‘circus-like’ atmosphere, all while behaving like a clown who treats our lives like a political game. So we will bring the circus to him. Come in your clown makeup, and we will show the world what the Federal Court is all about here in Amarillo, a kangaroo court! We will be putting on a peaceful demonstration to call attention to this scheme to pervert the judicial system to remove our right to safe healthcare.

According to The Guardian, “about 30 demonstrators from the Texas Panhandle and neighboring eastern New Mexico turned out.” Women’s March Executive Director Rachel O’Leary Carmona told The Guardian, “We’re going to make sure that folks understand exactly what kind of person is running this kangaroo court inside and the ways in which he has actually made very clear that he is not an impartial jurist, but in fact, a politician who is trying to legislate from the bench.” The hearing inside Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s court lasted four hours, undisturbed even by the person dressed up as a kangaroo in judicial robes attending the protest. 

On Thursday, March 16, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “[muscle flexing emoji].” The email read: 

Yesterday, Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk held a key hearing in the case against the abortion pill mifepristone. He tried to hold the hearing in the dark. We found out about it. He wanted it out of public view. We put eyes on it. He only let a handful of people in the room. We showed up outside the courthouse anyway . . . we mobilized in Amarillo, TX to make sure Judge Kacsmaryk and the anti-abortion radicals he serves know that WE ARE WATCHING and that WE WON’T GO BACK. Now that this hearing is over, Kacsmaryk could issue a ruling at any moment to order the Food & Drug Administration to overturn mifepristone’s approval and effectively ban the drug nationwide. We have to be ready to take to the streets again.

On Sunday, March 24, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk.” The email read: 

at any moment, an unelected, far-right ideologue federal judge could order the Food & Drug Administration to take the abortion pill mifepristone OFF the market. Here’s what you need to know about Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk: * In his last job before Trump nominated him to the federal bench, Kacsmaryk served as deputy general counsel to the First Liberty Institute, an ultra-conservative “religious liberty” law firm that has a history of attacking reproductive & LGBTQ+ rights. * He’s volunteered for far-right political candidates in TX — including Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz, & John Cornyn. * He founded the Fort Worth chapter of the Federalist Society — the legal organization that boosts conservative judicial nominees. * He opposes abortion, same-sex marriage, sex outside of marriage, birth control, and no-fault divorce. He’s written all about it in an op-ed and a judicial opinion. * He called homosexuality “disordered” and being transgender a “delusion.” * And he’s already ruled against the right to contraception access for minors . . . Kacsmaryk’s extremist right-wing bona fides are sound. It’s no secret why the far-right Alliance Defending Freedom brought the case against mifepristone before the Amarillo division of the US District Court for the Northern District of Texas — a state that has *already* banned abortion: Matthew Kacsmaryk is the only judge seated there. Now, we have just one question: Should activist judges like Matthew Kacsmaryk have the power to order the FDA to ban safe, essential medications?

On Saturday, April 8, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “Abortion pills on the chopping block.” The email read: 

BREAKING: Texas judge suspends FDA approval of abortion pill mifepristone. Tonight, a Trump-appointed federal judge in Amarillo, TX, suspended the Food & Drug Administration’s approval of mifepristone, an essential abortion medication. Now, the drug could be BANNED nationwide — even in states where abortion remains legal. Since medication abortion is the most common form of abortion care in the U.S., this ruling will have a devastating impact on Americans everywhere. We won’t shut up and take it while our most fundamental rights are stripped away by an extremist judge . . . we’re marching again. Women’s March is calling for nationwide actions on April 15th to protest this abhorrent ruling and fight for medication abortion access. Show up in your city or state. See you in the streets. 

Women’s March Executive Director Rachel O’Leary Carmona shared her reaction to Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s ruling with the Amarillo Globe-News. Carmona shared: 

Let’s be clear: a full nationwide ban on abortion and access to reproductive health care has always been and is still the goal of Judge Kacsmaryk and extremist groups like the ADF [Alliance Defending Freedom] and their allies [Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine]. Within that context, Kacsmaryk’s frankly illegitimate decision to suspend the drug is not surprising. What this case is really about is how the ADF and their allies manipulated our judicial system to impose a radical anti-woman political agenda. They stacked the courts with radical politicians cloaked in robes and used forum-shopping to find a fast-track to a Supreme Court completely captured by their agenda.

On Tuesday, April 11, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “We’re f*cking pissed off, and in four days, we’re raising hell again.” The email reads: 

We’re f*cking pissed off. Four days ago, a right-wing, Trump-appointed judge in Amarillo, Texas went rogue. He blatantly disregarded the law and science to dismantle our right to abortion care. Four days from today, we’re taking to the streets again in Amarillo and nationwide. We’re raising hell because we refuse to let extremists abuse our broken legal system to advance their dangerous, anti-abortion agenda. This is an emergency mobilization. This is dire. This is a break-the-glass moment for our movement. We demand reform of our broken judicial system. We demand that state and local leaders defend access to mifepristone despite this illegitimate ruling. We demand the FDA issue guidance to disregard the decision. We demand the Biden administration implement a whole-of-government response to this public health crisis. We demand pharmacies execute their mandate faithfully and with the health of their patients rather than the personal ideologies of a few politicians in mind. In four days, we fight for all of this and more. And we need YOU in this fight with us, because at the end of the day, WE show up for US. We can’t count on anyone but ourselves in the fight for our rights.

On Wednesday, April 12, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “Emergency [poop emoji] funds.” The email reads: 

We knew this moment was coming . . . A far-right extremist judge ruled against the abortion pill mifepristone and threw the future of abortion care into doubt. What do we do when our rights are attacked? We show up. We fight the f*ck back. We’re mobilizing across the country THIS WEEKEND. A lot goes into preparing for emergency mobilizations, including making sure that when marchers show up, they have a place to *go* when they need it most. That’s why we’re launching our Emergency $10,000 Porta Potty Fund for our flagship mobilization in Amarillo, Texas.

On Thursday, April 13, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “We get sh*t done.” The email reads: 

Together, we’re strong . . . Together, we Get. Shit. Done. In just two days, we take to the streets in Amarillo and across the country. We expect a massive showing of people-power in the face of far-right extremism. We march to defend medication abortion, to demand action by our leaders, and to prove to right-wing radicals that we’ll never give up this fight. Now, while we’re fighting for fundamental human rights, we won’t forget about fundamental human needs. That’s why we always plan on having Porta Potties available in case marchers need to “go.”

On Friday, April 14, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “TOMORROW we march.” The email read: 

This is it . . . We’re facing a national emergency over the future of medication abortion. This is the moment we break the glass. Tomorrow, we march in Amarillo, TX, and across the country. Will you be there? John, we are the majority. We will not bow to fascists who believe they can control us. We’ll raise hell. We will not go back. Tomorrow, we fight for our freedom and our futures. We protest an illegitimate court ruling that will have devastating consequences for so much of this nation. We demand that the leaders we elected to fight for us finally do just that. And we need to make a massive showing. We need to prove once and for all that there are MORE OF US THAN THEM. 

That night, Women’s March sent out a second email titled, “a critical request before tomorrow’s march.” The email read: 

We’re just hours away from hitting the streets in our emergency mobilizations in Amarillo, TX, and all across the country, John! We’ve been emailing a toooon in the past few days (thanks for opening, btw!). That’s because we’re PISSED TF OFF. First, a far-right judge ruled to invalidate FDA authorization of mifepristone. Then, a far-right court of appeals REFUSED to reinstate the pill’s previous approval (key point: mifepristone is still available through 7 weeks of pregnancy) . . . We’re raising hell and fighting back — because we won’t accept going backward. We need YOUR support to fund our grassroots mobilizations tomorrow. Before tomorrow: We have a $12,400 budget gap to cover all of our expected costs.

On Monday, April 17, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “Were you there?” The email read: 

FIRST: A far-right, Trump-appointed federal judge chose to abandon all precedent and order the Food & Drug Administration to overturn approval of the abortion pill mifepristone and possibly ban it nationwide. THEN: All hell broke loose. Another federal judge issued a competing ruling. The 5th Circuit of Appeals refused to uphold the ban. The Supreme Court ordered a temporary stay on any changes. And We. Fought. Back. We announced emergency mobilizations in every corner of the country. THOUSANDS of women and allies showed up on Saturday to march for our freedoms, families, and futures. If you were at a march or mobilization, we can’t thank you enough. NOW: For now, mifepristone is still available as usual — but the Supreme Court’s stay will EXPIRE after Wednesday. We need to prepare for anything the anti-abortion extremists can throw at us next.

On Tuesday, April 25, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “We need you more than ever.” The email read: 

FIRST: A radical, Trump-appointed federal judge in Amarillo, TX ruled against the abortion pill mifepristone. This was a purely political move by an activist, anti-abortion judge who wanted to do the far-right’s bidding and help ban abortion nationwide. THEN: We activated. We launched emergency mobilizations in Amarillo and nationwide. We marched for our freedoms, families, and futures — because we won’t be silent while our most fundamental rights are attacked by a corrupt judicial system. NOW: The Supreme Court has PROTECTED mifepristone — for the time being. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is set to hear arguments over mifepristone in the coming weeks. While the case works its way through the courts, mifepristone is STILL LEGAL AND AVAILABLE . . . this is a victory: one that only happened because we refused to back down. We fought the f*ck back and made it impossible for the Court to side with the outrageous ruling against the pill. NEXT: We have to prepare for the fights ahead. Mifepristone might be safe for now, but we can’t trust the 5th Circuit or the Supreme Court for a second. We have to be ready to activate at a moment’s notice.

On Sunday, April 30, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “No time.” The email read: 

In April, a rogue, extremist federal judge tried to ban access to medication abortion — so we marched. In May, the far-right 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is set to hear the case — so we have to be ready to activate again . . . We know we ask for your support a lot. That’s because we cannot be an effective movement for change without the resources to take our fight wherever it’s needed, whether that’s Amarillo, Texas, or Washington, D.C. . . . If we don’t meet this month’s fundraising target, we won’t have the funds we may need to activate our network at a moment’s notice.

On Thursday, September 12, 2023, Carmona sent out an email titled, “it’s time to mess with Texas.” The email read: 

Texas is quickly becoming more of a dystopian nightmare for women.” The email shares a quote from a story from the Washington Post, stating, “[The laws] make it illegal to transport anyone to get an abortion on roads within the city or county limits. The laws allow any private citizen to sue a person or organization they suspect of violating the ordinance.

The email continues, “These MAGA extremists are deliberately targeting regions near major highways and airports to keep women from leaving Texas to access abortion care, including Amarillo where I live. This is beyond terrifying, and we need to get loud about this to show that we support Texas women and will fight tooth and nail for their rights.” The email asks for financial support for Women’s March so that they can “amplify this horrendous story, arm organizers on the ground with the skills to fight back, and mobilize” the pro-choice movement to “mess with Texas.

On Friday, October 6, 2023, Carmona sent out an email titled, “Texas women need our help.” The email read:

Some cities in Texas are trying to further restrict abortion by passing laws to make it illegal to use certain roads and highways to travel out of state to access reproductive care. Texas Republicans are turning the state into a dystopian hellscape for women, and it’s absolutely terrifying. That’s why we’re fighting back… Cities are passing these laws as we speak, and in this fight, every second counts. The highways that go through cities like mine in Amarillo, Texas are key battlegrounds in the fight for reproductive freedom in the South, and it’s the GOP’s next big target. Will you sign our pledge to mobilize and DEMAND that city officials across Texas vote down so-called ‘Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn’ ordinances? The GOP won’t stop until they have complete control over our bodies… It isn’t enough that they’ve banned abortion in Texas, but now they’re changing the rules to keep women from leaving the state to access the care they need and deserve. But we’ve got a plan to fight back against creating these Barrier Cities. That’s why we’re asking for your support… Will you add your name to our petition calling on Texas officials to reject these extremist, fascistic ordinances? Texas women deserve better than these disgusting, bigoted efforts to undermine our rights. 

The email is signed, “Rachel O’Leary Carmona” with a picture of the pro-abortion activist wearing a green bandana standing next to a person dressed up as a kangaroo at a Bigger Than Roe rally outside of the Potter County Courthouse. 

On Sunday, October 22, 2023, Carmona sent out an email titled, “Texas women need our help!” The email read: 

It isn’t enough that they’ve banned abortion in Texas, but now they’re changing the rules to keep women from leaving the state to access the care they need and deserve. But we’ve got a plan to fight back against creating these Barrier Cities. That’s why we’re asking for your support… Will you send letters calling on Amarillo city officials to reject these extremist, fascistic ordinances? Texas women deserve better than these disgusting, bigoted efforts to undermine our rights.

The email is signed, “Rachel O’Leary Carmona,” once again with a picture of the pro-abortion activist wearing a green bandana standing next to a person dressed up as a kangaroo at a Bigger Than Roe rally outside of the Potter County Courthouse. 

On Tuesday, November 13, 2023, Carmona, sent out an email titled, “Act Now: Highway Travel Abortion Ban.” The email read:

The Fight for bodily autonomy and democracy is still raging, and one of the most urgent battlegrounds is in Amarillo, Texas. I am writing to you personally today about the urgent situation in West Texas. Mark Lee Dickson and his group are aggressively pushing the so-called ‘Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn’ initiative, which in addition to acting as a city-level abortion ban restricts highway travel for anyone seeking an abortion. They’ve already succeeded in Lubbock County and now they are targeting Amarillo. I need your support in this fight for Texas. Will you sign this petition to the Amarillo City Council to demand that they permanently shelve this proposal? These extremists are on the brink of gaining control over key West Texas and Panhandle highways, which could effectively cut off the majority of Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisianan residents from accessing safe abortions in New Mexico or Colorado. We’ve been tirelessly organizing in Amarillo and we know that Texas is worth contesting for – so many more people are with us than the electoral maps suggest. Sign our petition to stop this so-called Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance in Amarillo to make an immediate impact. Amarillo is not just a place people live in, it’s a major highway that connects many states to lifesaving medical care. We are in urgent need of your support in advance of the next city council meeting. 

The email is signed, “In service, Rachel O’Leary Carmona” with a picture of the pro-abortion activist with her fist up, wearing a green bandana, and sporting green warpaint under her eyes.

On Monday, December 4, 2023, Carmona sent out an email to her followers titled, “Act Now: Highway Travel Abortion Ban.” The email read: 

Far-right, anti-choice activists are working to push radical ‘Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn’ ordinances in North Texas, which, if passed, will prevent women from leaving the state to access the care they need and deserve. And here’s the worst part… they’ve already been successful in a handful of cities. It’s increasingly evident that pro-life activists don’t care about women’s health, and now, it’s apparent they’re also ignoring our economy’s health. Abortion bans cost the state nearly $15 billion dollars a year. Isn’t it ironic how fiscal conservatives, known for pinching pennies, are nonchalantly hemorrhaging money on these bans? That’s why we’re fighting back . . . Cities are passing these laws as we speak, and in this fight, every second counts. The highways that go through cities like mine in Amarillo, Texas are key battlegrounds in the fight for reproductive freedom in the South, and it’s the GOP’s next big target. Can you add your name to this letter to Amarillo city officials DEMANDING that they vote down this so-called “Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn” ordinance? The GOP and far-right activists won’t stop until they have complete control over our bodies… It isn’t enough that they’ve banned abortion in Texas, but now they’re changing the rules to keep women from leaving the state to access the care they need and deserve. But we’ve got a plan to fight back against creating these Barrier Cities. That’s why we’re asking for your support… Will you send letters calling on Amarillo city officials to reject these extremist, fascistic ordinances? Texas women deserve better than these disgusting, bigoted efforts to undermine our rights.

The email is signed, “In service, Rachel.” 

On Friday, December 8, 2023, Carmona sent out an email to her followers titled, “Send a Letter: The fight in Texas.” The email read: 

The block is hot in Texas. On Tuesday, the Texas Supreme Court heard a case that argues that the state’s abortion laws are harming women when they face pregnancy complications. The case has grown to include 22 plaintiffs, including 20 patients and two physicians. And just yesterday, Judge Maya Guerra Gamble of Travis County, Texas, ruled from the bench, granting permission for a Texas woman to have a medically necessary abortion. Winning will take all of us pushing in every way we can. Can we count on you in this fight? 

On Thursday, December 14, 2023, Carmona shared an article from the Texas Tribune on her X account titled, “After pause, this Texas city is set to reconsider banning travel to access an abortion.” Speaking of the proposed Sanctuary City for the Unborn Ordinance, Carmona stated,  “It’s duplicative and won’t stand up to the legal challenges that will come.” Carmona also shared a screenshot of a quote in the article from Amarillo Attorney Ryan Brown, who was criticizing the private enforcement mechanism found in the ordinance. Brown, who serves as one of the administrators for the anti-Trump Facebook group Indivisible Amarillo – which is linked to the greater Indivisible movement, shared, “I’d say most people, even here in the heart of Trump Country, are against restrictive statutes… As written, this ordinance further divides the citizens of Amarillo and will put citizens against each other.” Carmona chimed in on the comment, “This part particularly speaks to the truth: a supermajority of Americans, not democrats, but Americans do not support total abortion bans. And we certainly do not support vigilante justice.”

On Friday, December 15, 2023, Women’s March sent out an email to their followers titled, “WTF is Even Happening.” The email read: 

What the fuck is even happening this week… This week has been wild, and not in a good way… Texas takes the top spot for abortion-related fuckery. This week in Texas, corrupt AG Ken Paxton forced Kate Cox, a Dallas-based woman, to flee the state to receive life-saving abortion care. Over 50 companies filed an amicus brief in support of 22 women suing the state over the abortion ban. Texas’s abortion ban is not only costing lives, it is costing nearly $15 billion in lost revenue per year. Finally, the Amarillo City Council met to consider the unconstitutional travel ban ordinance, despite heavy opposition from Amarillo residents. Texas continues to demonstrate that there are no depths to which it won’t sink to advance its disastrous abortion ban.” The email continues, “The Supreme Court will decide whether to ban Mifepristone in the first abortion-related case for the high court since the compromised court gutted Roe v. Wade last year. The argument for the case is scheduled for spring, and a decision is anticipated by late June, amid the 2024 presidential and congressional campaigns.”

On Friday, February 9, 2024, a story was published in USA Today titled, ‘Abolished from coast to coast’: Anti-abortion movement looks to cities as target for bans.” Speaking of the proposed Amarillo SCFTU Ordinance, Women’s March Executive Director Rachel O’Leary Carmona said, “This is a policy that not only no one needs, but no one asked for, and that’s being astroturfed from out of town extremists.” Carmona, who the news outlet describes as having been a resident of Amarillo since 2021, states, “In the most simple terms possible, you could say that Amarillo is in the reddest part of the reddest state in the country. And if you didn’t scratch any further than that, I think that’s just where the matter would lie.”

On Wednesday, February 14, 2024, Carmona sent out an email to her followers titled “Trump, SCOTUS and Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn.” The email read: 

Imagine this reality: You’re driving a friend out of state to get access to safe health care, and you cross through a ‘sanctuary city.’ Next, you’re charged with human trafficking – charges trumped up by someone you’re trying to escape. To date, 67 cities and seven counties have passed ‘sanctuary cities for the unborn’ ordinances. And the same radical far-right MAGA misogynists behind these unconstitutional campaigns have made it clear: their end goal is abolishing abortion access in all 50 states.” The email continues, “From Texas to Illinois to California, these men (and yes, it’s mostly men [eye roll emoji]) are clear that they are on this fight to expand their crusade, and they don’t care if that happens via compromised courts or through executive order if their boss [clown emoji], Defendant Trump, gets elected. That’s why we are fighting back. We will fight with everything we have when our freedoms and bodies are on the line. Women deserve better than these disgusting, bigoted efforts to undermine our rights. 

The email is signed, “In service, Rachel O’Leary Carmona” with a picture of the pro-abortion activist in front of Amarillo National Bank. 

On Sunday, March 10, 2024, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “Feminist Travel Fund.” The email read: 

On March 26, we will be putting our bodies on the line to keep Mifepristone legal and accessible. Women’s March has followed this case from day one, when the extremists – led by Erin Hawley – presented their sham case to right-wing Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk in Amarillo, Texas. The case is now in front of the Supreme Court, which is composed of partisan, political actors who have been put there specifically to advance the MAGA cartel’s agenda. Make no mistake, friends. Abortion access is on the chopping block once again. We have over 2,000 people signed up to take action with us, but some of them need some help getting to DC. 

On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, Women’s March sent out an email written by Lindsay London and Courtney Brown, co-founders of Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance, titled “Living in a state with a total abortion ban. Why we’re heading to Washington, D.C.” The email read: 

At this time last year, we were standing outside of Matthew Kacsmaryk’s kangaroo court as he tossed aside legal precedent, suspending FDA approval of a medication for the first time. Kacsmaryk’s decision, influenced by his anti-abortion zealotry, labeled providers as “abortionists” and referred to fetuses as ‘unborn humans.’ He did this because he is, in fact, an anti-abortion advocate. That’s why he has his job. That’s why the judges on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals have theirs. It’s why much of the Supreme Court has theirs. Lindsay is a registered nurse in a state with a total abortion ban. Courtney is a reproductive rights activist from Amarillo, TX. Together, we co-founded Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance. We know the devastating impact these legal decisions will have on our communities. This is not what the people want. Our courts are not working in service of democracy, they are working to advance an agenda that cannot win at the ballot box. We won’t let them win. We were both there on day one of the protest against this sham lawsuit, and a week from today, we’ll be representing Amarillo in Washington D.C., as oral arguments move forward. And, like all of you, we’ll be in the streets until true reproductive freedom is accessible for everyone. Are you with us?

The email is signed, “In struggle and community, Lindsay London & Courtney Brown, Co-Founders, Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance.”

On Friday, March 22, 2024, Carmona sent out an email to her followers titled, “Jezebel Shenanigans.” The email read: 

Yesterday, I woke up to a text… It’s something that I’ve become used to. Extremist right-wing men harassing women activists is nothing new. However, in light of the target that the Heritage Foundation has put on feminist groups’ backs in Project 2025, it’s important to believe these extremists when they target us. This particular extremist has posted about me, spreading misinformation that would make me less safe and less welcome in the community where I live. His followers have referred to me as the Amarillo Women’s March Jezebel. And well, if the shoe fits. I am shameless in my fight against extremists attacking our freedoms, our constitutionally protected rights, and democracy itself. We are wicked smart, and completely up to the task of defeating these bottom of the barrel bigots together. Again. Just like we did in 2020, 2022, and 2023. And the time for us to be right back on our Jezebel Shenanigans is RIGHT NOW. 

On Tuesday, March 26, we will protest SCOTUS in defense of medication abortion. Next month, we will get back on our Jezebel Shenanigans again as we fight the attacks on EMTALA and democracy itself, as SCOTUS hears the case that will decide if an insurrectionist can run for the President of the United States. These are trying times. But it’s all of us against all of them. And we have more people on our side. Culture on our side. Science on our side. And tell the truth… Who do you really want to be with besides Jezebels in 2024?

The email is signed, “See you in the streets, and on the right side of history, Rachel.”  

On Tuesday, March 26, 2024, oral arguments for Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA were heard before the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, D.C. According to the Washington Post, earlier that day, “A small group of abortion rights advocates, including Rachel O’Leary Carmona, the executive director of the Women’s March… blocked a nearby walkway, leading to arrests.” Carmona and 12 others were arrested for violating a D.C. code prohibiting “crowding, obstructing or incommoding.” Covering the same incident, The New York Times reported, “The arrests were part of a plan of civil disobedience meant to underscore the wide-ranging consequences of the case, which could sharply curtail access to the pill and undercut the regulatory authority of the F.D.A.” Carmona told the news outlet that getting arrested was intentionally done in order to “match the severity of the threat” to reproductive rights and to send a message to the Supreme Court. That message, according to Carmona, was “no matter what the outcome is, we are going to make sure that people have access to abortion medication when they need it.”

On Thursday, April 11, 2024, Carmona sent out an email to her followers titled “Who is really behind all the attacks on abortion?” Carmona wrote: 

Alliance for Defending Freedom is the law firm who is behind most of the attacks on abortion rights. This includes yesterday’s bullshit ruling in Arizona, the disastrous Dobbs decision, and the suit against medication abortion. The ADF says religious freedom and the “victimization” of religious conservatives is its motivation, but their actual mission is clearly advancing Christian Nationalism. ADF has successfully weaponized SCOTUS nearly 20 times. The ADF is in bed with Matthew Kacsmaryk, who ruled in ADF’s favor in the Mifepristone case. Corrupt Kacsmaryk previously worked for an organization with direct financial ties to ADF. Members of Congress are aiding in ADF’s influence on the Hill, like Republican Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), husband of Erin Hawley, a Vice President at ADF. They’re not stopping at the courts. The ADF has authored at least 130 bills in 34 states to advance their extremist agenda. We can’t allow the ADF to win. Women’s March has been on the frontlines of the fight against this organization’s efforts from Washington D.C. to Amarillo, Texas and back. 

The email is signed, “Live long and stay ungovernable, Rachel.”

On Saturday, May 20, 2024, Women’s March sent out an email to their followers titled, “Urgent Action Needed: Send Email to Amarillo City Council.” The email read: 

Far-right religious fundamentalists have singled out Amarillo, Texas to pass a travel ban that would stop women from crossing state lines to access abortion care. Whether or not you have loved ones in Texas, Oklahoma, or the other states that would be impacted by this unconstitutional travel ban, we should all be concerned by the attack on the democratic freedoms that it represents. We have until May 28 to push City Council to take action to stop this ordinance. Will you send a letter to Amarillo city officials calling on the city of Amarillo to reject this divisive attempt to control Texas women? 

The sample email read: 

Dear Amarillo City Council Members, We urge you to strike down the proposed ordinances creating so-called ‘Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn’ In Amarillo, Texas. Across the country, other city councils have faced similar efforts from far-right, religious fundamentalist groups. These unconstitutional ordinances are a waste of taxpayer dollars and create unnecessary division. The proposed ordinance represents an attack on fundamental freedoms. In a time when we should focus on uniting communities and addressing real issues, this proposal does the opposite. It distracts from pressing needs and undermines the rights of women and families across Texas and the US South. This so-called Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn campaign oversteps both state and federal law by restricting travel and freedom of speech. This ordinance undermines rights guaranteed by higher levels of government by imposing arbitrary restrictions on travel to states where abortion is legal. Additionally, it is not within the jurisdiction of city government to legislate healthcare. The decision to seek abortion services is a deeply personal matter between an individual and their healthcare provider. Many communities around the country are rejecting similar initiatives because they recognize the harm they cause. We hope Amarillo will do the same. We urge you to vote against this ordinance and to protect the rights and freedoms of all individuals who would be impacted by this ban. Thank you for your consideration.

On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, the Executive Director of Women’s March, Rachel O’Leary Carmona, sent out an email to her followers titled “Last night, we won in Texas.” The email read: 

Over the past few years, Texas has been the GOP’s experiment lab, the place where fringe ideas get thrown against a wall until something sticks. Well, something stuck last night in Amarillo, Texas. And it wasn’t what they hoped. What happened last night is that feminism won. Organizing won. Hope won. Freedom and bodily autonomy won. We won.

The email continued: 

The so-called Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn campaign was defeated in Amarillo, Texas by a 4-1 majority. We may still see it on the ballot in November, and if we do, we will defeat it at the ballot box, too. The lesson here is that organizing gets the goods. If we can win in Amarillo, Texas, we can win anywhere. And I believe that we will keep winning. This is obviously a battle in a larger fight, but for today, let’s lift up the Texas feminists who are doing the damn thing when they could be anywhere else. We see you red state organizers. We see you local folks. We see you in small towns and rural communities. We see you in those places so many wanted to give up on, discard. We see you, we celebrate you, and we thank you. Specifically, I want to thank Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance for all the laser-sharp, tough-as-nails organizing that got us here today. Y’all did the damn thing. 

The email is signed, “In gratitude, Rachel O’Leary Carmona, Executive Director, Women’s March.” Accompanying her signature is, once again, a picture of the pro-abortion activist with her fist up, wearing a green bandana, and sporting green warpaint under her eyes.

On Thursday, June 13, 2024, the Executive Director of Women’s March, Rachel O’Leary Carmona, sent out an email to her followers titled, “Mifepristone Wins.” The email read, “We’ve just scored another massive win! The Supreme Court ruled unanimously to uphold the FDA’s authorization of mifepristone, keeping this essential medication accessible.” The email continues: 

The (still compromised) SCOTUS decided the group of right-wing plaintiffs lacked legal standing to challenge mifepristone. Basically, SCOTUS said they don’t even go here, & had zero grounds to challenge Mifepristone. The FDA’s regulations stay in place, Mifepristone remains available, but it’s not the final word on abortion pills. The door is open for legal challenges on regulations themselves. We’re in the clear for now, but the fight will continue. 

Carmona continued: 

For the past year, Women’s Marchers have led the fight for Mifepristone. From day one at Kacsmaryk’s Kangaroo Court in Amarillo to a compromised SCOTUS in Washington, DC – millions of us took action, donated, marched and put our bodies on the line. This win is because of every single one of us who stood up and fought back. We are the resistance! They thought they could do this in the dark. They thought with forum shopping, compromised courts, and Trump-appointed judges, they had this in the bag. But together, we said HELL NO. This battle isn’t finished. We’re up against anti-freedom, anti-women extremists, and we won’t go back. And we know the zealots who pushed this challenge before SCOUTS will be back with a vengeance. They’ve told us their plan in Project 2025. We know they’re coming, and we’ll be there to fight back. Every. Single. Time. 

In closing Carmona highlighted the victory which took place just days prior. Carmona wrote: 

Earlier this week, we defeated right-wing attempts to implement an abortion travel ban in Texas. Today, our actions stopped the same extremists at SCOTUS. Together, we will keep winning. Together, we will defeat them at every step. But for now – take some time, take a breath – and celebrate our win. 

The email is signed, “In gratitude, Rachel O’Leary Carmona, Executive Director, Women’s March” with the same picture she has used often before – with her fist up, wearing a green bandana, and sporting green warpaint under her eyes.

On Sunday, September 29, 2024, the Chief Financial and Administrative Officer at Women’s March, Kelsey Jackson, sent out an email to their followers titled, “It’s that time of month again.” The email read, “We’ve been cooking with gas all summer—tens of thousands of feminists across the country have shown up for our actions, protests, and trainings. The momentum is real, and it’s powerful. And we have so many more critical actions planned as we head into the elections.”

Jackson listed four different events: (1) “October 12: Hitting the ground in Amarillo, TX, knocking on doors to stop a dangerous anti-abortion bill that would make Amarillo a ‘sanctuary city for the unborn.’” (2) “October 15 & 17: Launching mass Women Protection Team trainings to equip everyday women with the tools they need to combat rising political violence.” (3) “November 2: Nationwide Women’s March mobilizations in DC and across the U.S. to build momentum and get our communities fired up to vote.” And, last but not least, (4) “Now until November 5: Mobilizing feminists across the country and equipping them with critical skills and strategies to encourage their neighbors to get out and vote—no matter what.”

On Friday, October 4, 2024, Women’s March sent out an email titled, “Help Us Hit the Ground in Amarillo.” Their email reads, “Amarillo is a critical battleground, and we need your support to fund our Resistance Road Trip stop there on October 12th.” The email continued: 

Prop A allows private citizens to sue anyone who travels through Amarillo for abortion care. In plain language, it’s a travel ban and a snitch law. We have to act fast. Our plan: bring 150 volunteers, train canvassers, and launch targeted digital ads to turn out voters. But we can’t do it without the funds to make it happen. 

Their email concludes, “Every dollar helps us defend reproductive freedom. From where the fight is, Women’s March.” While it is uncertain how long Women’s March is planning on being in Amarillo, one thing is certain – if Rachel O’Leary Carmona has moved to Amarillo to be “where the fight is” Carmona and her Women’s March organization is not likely to leave Amarillo anytime soon.

This is a commentary published with the author’s permission. If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard, please submit your article to

Mark Lee Dickson

Mark Lee Dickson is a director with Right to Life of East Texas and the founder of the Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn Initiative.