Even though Texas law now bans state colleges and universities from promoting the radical leftwing agenda known as “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” Texas A&M University is preparing to name as its new president an ardent proponent of the disgraced ideology.
We asked readers if the Board of Regents should continue forward with this hire.
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Here is a sampling of the comments we received from our readers after they voted in the survey.
“I have suspended all my giving to my school. Texas A&M was a God-fearing, country-loving place, for the most part, when I was there in the early eighties. I’m ashamed of what it has become known for.” – Kirk Lewis
“I am a 1971 and 1973 graduate of A&M and have always been proud of the college I had attended until recent years. I guess I can blame our Governor for this, since he is the one who appoints the board, which is supposed to keep A&M on the correct path. A&M needs to get back to providing a good education to its students.” – Kay Dillingham
“We need a different President who will filter through and push out the many radical professors who are already there. I am a 3rd generation Aggie (both granddads class of ‘22 & ‘26, father class of ‘55 and uncle class of ‘59) and have witnessed the slow turning away from our national Biblical roots beginning when I was a student there starting in 1976.” – Davis Ford
“I’m an Aggie grad, and know this is terribly embarrassing for our once proud, conservative school.” – Jane Anne Sellars
“All of these state-funded schools that continue to promote these ideologies should be stripped of funding and be allowed to crumble into a pile of dust.” – Don Hillis
“Until Republican parents stop paying communist colleges to radicalize their adult children, nothing will change.” – Catherine Buschold
“People used to relate Texas A&M with strong conservative values and The University of Texas as raging leftists. These days, it seems that all public higher education facilities are cesspools of liberal indoctrination.” – Zack Dunnam
“Any and all taxpayer funding should be withheld from TAMU. DEI is nothing but reverse racism.” – Cathy Hess
“The problem with diversity, equity, and inclusion is the very fact that it does none of these.” – Arthur Potter
“I’ve listened to ‘Aggie jokes’ all my adult life, and this action may prove that they are actually deserved…” – Dana Kay
“I am an Old Ag now, Class of 79. So who is to blame? Regents? Yes. But who appoints them? Abbott! Time to say goodbye to the Guv.” – Dale Zuck
“A&M has never been a Christian institution, but at least it was conservative. Now, it is neither. Which helps illustrate if a society and its institutions are not tethered to Christ, it will soon drift away into progressive relativism and chaos.” – Bill Peacock
“More and more, I truly fear we have completely lost our country. A&M is just another example of what has rotted from within.” – Nancy Wood
“TAMU used to be a bastion of conservatism and could be counted on as such, now they are beginning to look as liberal as UT!” – Michael Walton
“A&M continues its downward spiral to destroy one of the great universities in the country. As great as their alumni are, I am surprised that they have not been in an uproar over the direction the university is going.” – Carroll Knight
“It is way past time for taxpayers to stop funding all of these colleges and universities, especially when all they want to do is bite the hand that feeds them.” – Al Crable
“NO! A&M should NOT name a DEI proponent and Obama appointee as it’s new president! My two oldest children are current students at A&M, and the level of leftist influence that they’ve experienced in the past 3+ years has been downright disgusting for a university that was ‘supposed’ to be fairly conservative. This new president will only make it worse!” – Dana Krasinksi
“This is totally unacceptable and an insult to we the people.” – Roy Getting
“As a Texas A&M Former Student, I’m thoroughly disgusted with the direction of the university. In its bid for prominence in Texas, it’s become too large, and I fear too impersonal to maintain more than lip service to the traditions that set it apart.” – Cindy Armstrong
“No. And not only no, but the governor should call for the resignation of the board of regents and replace them with conservatives, and dare I say, Republicans.” – Chris Breaux
“As an old Aggie I have seen traditions and other conservative ideas going away at TAMU. It’s not the A&M that I attended in the ‘70s. It’s becoming tu of college station.” – Allan Gillies
“Texas A&M was known for the conservative values it brought to the students and alumni. How dare they bring another liberal President to represent this outstanding university. Our entire country is out of whack, and I’m truly disappointed in the values people hold today. TAMU is headed in the wrong direction once again!” – Sharon Buckwalter
“Governor Abbott needs to hold the Board of Regents accountable.” – Thomas Camardo
“We already have too many uber-liberal universities in this state.” – Kimery McKaskle
“Does it matter? A degree with a mortgage price tag paying in McDonald’s salary. Yeah. Sign me up.” – Corey Mayo
“I voted yes, only because I would love to see Greg Abbott pull the $1.19 billion the State of Texas granted Texas A&M this year.” – Charles Burke
“I once held our ‘Texas’ universities in high regard. Now they all seem to be disappointing on a regular basis in one way or another. This is just another example.” – Bob Forsythe