While Gov. Greg Abbott has endorsed challengers to key lieutenants of House Speaker Dade Phelan, he has not endorsed either of the candidates taking on Phelan himself in the Texas GOP primary.

Yesterday’s One Click Survey asked readers what they thought Gov. Abbott should do in the race.

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Here is a sampling of the comments we received from our readers after they voted in the survey.

“Abbot should endorse Phelan’s opponent for his own credibility.” – Roger Taylor

“While doorknocking for grassroots champion Mike Olcott for State Rep., voters said they thought they liked him until they found out Abbott had endorsed him.  Now they worry he’s already sold out.  Let’s keep Abbott out of the Phelan race.  He sends a confusing message.” – Julie McCarty

“Whose side is Abbott on? He’s two years too late on the border.  He’s supporting Ellen Troxclair, who voted to impeach Paxton. Now he’s not endorsing Phelan’s challengers?” – Doreen Cardenas

“Greg Abbott has endorsed Morgan Meyer, one of the most liberal Republicans and Phelan’s close personal friend and ally, who led the charge against Paxton. Abbott might as well endorse Phelan.” – Spencer Siino

“I think there should be a rule that politicians and especially the governor should not be allowed to endorse anybody.” – Aaron Miller

“No, but give them both an equal amount of money, AnyOneButPhelan.” – Mary Casper

“Well, Abbott is presented with a conundrum. Abbott is a RINO, and Phelan is a RINO. Many of the same corrupt PACs support both of them. So, for Abbott to issue an endorsement to one of Phelan’s primary challengers would be to shoot himself in his own foot. The fact that Abbott has NOT endorsed one of Phelan’s challengers should be very ‘telling’!” – Dana Krasinski

“If you don’t expose and  fire traitors, then you are not a worthy leader.” – Tom Gavin

“Of course, he should endorse against Phelan. Phelan’s fake Republican career must end.  The fact that Abbott has not yet endorsed Covery is telling….but of what?” – Robert Bruce

“No. Besides, is Abbott’s endorsement really a benefit to a candidate running on a conservative platform?” – Jason Kerr

“Maybe Republicans need to look in the mirror and quit putting people like Phelan as Speaker.  They have no one to blame but themselves.” – Mathew Howard

“If the Governor is going to endorse other incumbent challengers, he might as well endorse one for Phelan too. Now, that being said, I despise the whole endorsement game because it makes elections look even more like a popularity contest than they already do.” – Cindy Armstrong

“Abbott should also be more careful to NOT endorse RINOs who voted for Phelan as Speaker.” – Charles Fink

“This has been a pattern of indecisiveness that has plagued his entire tenure.  Wait, wait, wait, delay, delay, delay until the situation gets decidedly more complex and very noticeable to the citizens, forcing him to finally decide to act and hopefully before Desantis has a chance to weigh in.” – Patrick Bell

“I’m really not sure of Abbott’s endorsements anyway.” – Joe Bain

“Abbott should have ALREADY endorsed Phelan’s challenger.  By not doing so, Texans know where Abbott’s allegiance lies.” – Katherine Kelton

“Gov. Abbott appears to be a watered-down conservative. What are his true intentions? Why doesn’t he get the Texas house in order? Democrats should not be in charge when Republicans are the majority. We have waited far too long for him to be the strong leader Texas needs.” – Robin McCarty

“You are assuming Abbott is not as much a RINO as the candidates he is endorsing. Our own RINO Rep did not vote for a single Priority, yet Abbott has endorsed him because of one vote in the last Special Session. I am wondering if candidates actually want his endorsement!” – Steve Sullivan

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