Legislation by State Sen. Bryan Hughes (R–Mineola) would cut off funding to libraries that facilitate “drag queen story hours,” which he says are a form of political activism rather than education.
Yesterday, we asked readers what they thought.
Here is a sampling of the responses we received from folks on the topic.
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“Restoration of common decency has to start somewhere!” – Dana Kay
“Drag queens and drag shows have no place in the public square, and certainly not in any place receiving tax dollars.” – Shilo Platts
“We don’t need our kids exposed to that. Notice they aren’t targeting the nursing homes! If they want to have their filthy shows, they can self-fund and hold their show on private property.” – Deborah Wilkey
“I have a daughter who is a librarian, and her boyfriend is a transitioning male. They are both great adults and I love them both, but that is the lifestyle they choose. I do not believe that taxpayer dollars should be used to promote any lifestyle.” – Ernie McCloud
“Libraries are meant for education, research, reflection, enjoyment… But, there are rules, especially when funding is involved. And, for not following said rules (ex: drag story hours/shows), there are consequences. If telling them isn’t working, then cut off funding! Funding speaks volumes.” – Michelle Lantz
“Regarding drag storytelling, why are people so afraid of alternative lifestyles? We are all human beings.” – Jeff Vandersteeg
“Grooming and child abuse are already a criminal offense. Drag Queen Story Hours are not simply ‘activism,’ and it is not simply normalizing transvestites. It is a recruiting tool designed for making children and their parents lower their instinctual guard to degenerate overtures. The proof is in the fact that Drag Queen Story Hours only ever target children. Never at a VA hospital or elderly care center.” – Wib Gridley
“Why close the library? Simply fire those who are allowing such buffoonery to take place in the library.” – Karen Breazeale
“Nothing says ‘change of behavior’ like money.” – Glenda Piacenti
“It’s amazing to me that our moral character has been degraded to the point where we even have to have this discussion.” – Randy Schroder
“I wholeheartedly agree that libraries should not receive taxpayer funding if they do not follow the law.” – Susan Valliant
“We should not contribute to the darkness of the world.” – Jeff McClarty
“Drag events have no purpose beyond the fact that the people performing in them are grooming children to join in with their form of sexual deviancy.” – Andrea Ingram
“The only possible explanation for hosting ‘Drag Queen’ story hour with children is to ‘normalize’ something that is not ‘normal.’” – Michael Belsick
“I can’t believe we are at a place in our culture where this is even a question. Drag shows have no place in libraries or schools. Drag shows should take place in bars.” – Sylvia McLeod
“Yes, cut the funding for public libraries. But not just because of drag shows. Just eliminate public libraries, period, because we don’t need them. We all have the internet on our phones and computers.” – Chris Breaux