Deep in East Texas, a self-proclaimed “Satanist” is hosting drag shows during “Pride” month and funding children’s school events through a local LGBT advocacy group called the Tyler-Area Gays.
Tyler-Area Gays focuses on “educating” people about LGBT lifestyles and hosts events for the community that feature drag shows—including drag shows for dogs.
Brett Hennigan, a member of the TAG board of directors and a self-proclaimed Satanist, is also behind TAG’s sponsorship of a Tyler ISD event called “School is Cool.”
According to the district, the purpose of “School is Cool” is to distribute school supplies to children in need. Sponsors of the drive will be promoted on all marketing material.
Additionally, on Saturday, June 17, TAG hosted a “Pride” fair at the East Texas Fairgrounds, which included a “doggie drag show” as well as well as drag shows targeting children, where crossdressing men dance provocatively in front of crowds.
TAG also sets up “rainbow markets,” which promote LGBT craftsmen and small business owners. The group also runs The Pink Pages, an online tool that indicates which local stores support LGBT lifestyles.
Brady Gray, a board member of Texas Family Project, told Texas Scorecard, “While a fair to celebrate sexual habits is ridiculous enough, the addition of a ‘doggie drag show’ is beyond comprehension. This just goes to show that these groups will stop at nothing to indoctrinate every facet of society; not even pets are safe.”