Staff updates in U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’ office have led to the hiring of a top official in Texas Attorney General’s Office.

Aaron Reitz, the Texas deputy attorney general for legal strategy, will begin work as Cruz’ chief of staff starting May 15.

Cruz’ current chief of staff, Steve Chartan, will continue to serve as an advisor to the Cruz political operation.

“I’m excited to be bringing on an outstanding new chief of staff in Aaron Reitz,” said Cruz. “Aaron’s deep ties throughout the State of Texas and his experience defending our Nation as a Marine deployed in Afghanistan, litigating in the private sector, and leading large, strategic teams in government will all benefit my team and the millions of Texans whom I represent and serve. I’m confident his leadership will effectively guide our team as we work together to fight for jobs, freedom, and security for the Lone Star State.”

Reitz says he is looking forward to the new position.

“I’m thrilled about the opportunity to serve Senator Cruz and the 30 million Texans he represents in Washington,” said Reitz. “Senator Cruz is an absolute champion for our state and nation, and I look forward to managing one of the highest-performing teams in Congress in the furtherance of his conservative, pro-Texas agenda.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton gave Reitz his well wishes as he heads to Cruz’ office.

“His work ethic, vision, energy, and patriotic spirit have been a blessing to me, his colleagues, and the State of Texas. While I’m sad to see him go, I’m certain that my friend Senator Ted Cruz will be extraordinarily well served with Aaron as his chief of staff. I wish Aaron and his family the very best,” said Paxton.

In addition to Reitz’ new position, Chris Jaarda and Carl Mica, two members of Cruz’ current team, have been named as deputy chiefs of staff.

Brandon Waltens

Brandon serves as the Senior Editor for Texas Scorecard. After managing successful campaigns for top conservative legislators and serving as a Chief of Staff in the Texas Capitol, Brandon moved outside the dome in order to shine a spotlight on conservative victories and establishment corruption in Austin. @bwaltens