The Biden-Harris administration’s attempt to force federally funded healthcare institutions to perform sex mutilation surgeries has been blocked nationwide.
Attorney General Ken Paxton secured a nationwide stay, barring the current administration’s new rule from taking effect.
“When Biden and Harris sidestep the Constitution to force their unlawful, extremist agenda on the American public, we are fighting back and stopping them,” said Paxton.
The attorney general also affirmed that by blocking the policy—described as “destructive”—Texas has delivered a major victory for Americans nationwide.
The Biden-Harris administration touted the new rule in May 2024, formulated under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.
Effectively, the rule sought to strike funding from healthcare providers who refused to pay for or conduct gender mutilation surgeries. Additionally, the rule aimed to preempt any state legislation barring these types of surgeries.
Texas and Montana jointly led the charge against the federal government in June by suing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The states argued that the rule circumvented the U.S. Constitution and worked to sidestep state law.
A stay was granted to these states—blocking the rule from taking effect in Montana and Texas respectively. Yet, Texas argued by the same principles that nationwide relief was the answer. As a result, the court expanded the stay via a court order to apply nationwide.
Since the Biden-Harris administration may appeal the stay, the case is expected to continue.