At a House committee hearing on the “Biden-Harris border crisis,” Houston mother Alexis Nungaray spoke about her daughter’s death, which was allegedly committed two illegal aliens.

Nungaray told the committee yesterday that she gave birth to her daughter, Jocelyn Nungaray, as a teenager and lost her at 12 years old before she was a teenager herself. She explained that her daughter went missing on June 17 of this year, and after being asked to give a description of her daughter by law enforcement, she was taken to a floor labeled “Homicide Division.”

Nungaray recounted that her daughter had left home late at night to purchase a soda and was later found dead under a bridge—allegedly murdered by two Venezuelan men who entered the country illegally.

“They proceeded to tell me how my daughter was murdered, she was strangled to death, no clothing from the waist down, hands and ankles each tied together and thrown under the bridge in the shallow creek water left like she was nothing but garbage,” said Nungaray. “I was devastated to hear how they left her.”

Both suspects—Johan Jose Martinez Rangel, 22 years old, and Franklin Pena Ramos, 26 years old—were originally apprehended near El Paso and released with a scheduled court date.

“There were over 300 detention center beds available they could have had them detained until their immigration court hearings, but no,” Nungaray said. “Because of the Biden-Harris administration’s open borders, ‘catch and release’ policies, they were enrolled in an ‘Alternatives to Detention’ program.”

Three weeks later, Jocelyn was found dead and the two men were charged with her assault and murder. Nungaray concluded her testimony by saying that she is working with U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to push the Justice for Jocelyn Act of 2024, which would require ICE to fill detention centers before releasing illegal aliens into the country as they await their court date.

There is a notable trend of illegal aliens committing crimes after they are released into the U.S. with orders to appear in court. Many dodge their court dates.

“If the Justice for Jocelyn Act were law, Jocelyn Nungaray would be alive today,” Cruz stated in a press release, calling to expeditiously pass the law.

Americans were deeply moved today by Alexis’s testimony in the House of Representatives, in which she recounted the horror that her daughter experienced. The illegal immigrants who committed those crimes were released into Texas by the Biden-Harris administration. The Senate should immediately take up and pass the Justice for Jocelyn Act, so that no parent ever has to go through what Alexis has gone through.

Valerie Muñoz

Valerie Muñoz is a native South Texan and a graduate of Texas A&M University, where she studied journalism. She is passionate about delivering clear and comprehensive news to Texans.