With Democrats in charge of the U.S. House, Senate, and presidency, they aren’t wasting any time trying to deliver on their campaign promises to the left.

U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) introduced HR 127, which would create a national firearms registry and mandate a national licensing for gun owners.

This bill would fundamentally alter the Second Amendment’s application, as well as the privacy of gun owners. 

If enacted, the registry would not just be accessible to the military as well as state, local, and federal governments, but also the general public. It would detail everything on the firearms registered, including make, model, serial numbers, the date that said guns were purchased, and where they are being stored. 

Opponents argue such a registry would allow a political leader, or their committed partisans, to enact gun confiscation. They also argue the registry could bring safety concerns, since criminals could easily use the national registry to decide which houses to rob, for example. 

Concerning federal licensing, the process includes a psychological evaluation to determine whether the interviewee is “competent” enough to own a firearm. In the process, the aspiring licensee must show they have an insurance policy (which could cost $800), violating the Second Amendment rights of low-income individuals. 

The evaluation would also include interviews with the licensee’s spouse and two other relatives or associates to determine whether the person is “stable” enough to own a gun.

HR 127 would also affect which firearms could be owned, criminalizing “large-capacity magazines,” defined as those holding more than 10 rounds and “ammunition that is 0.50 caliber or greater.” 

During his campaign, President Joe Biden also promised to implement national gun licensing, background checks on the private transfer of guns, classification of semi-automatic rifles and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds as Class 3 weapons, and the implementation of “red-flag” laws that institute gun confiscation without due process.

Joshua Pierce

Joshua Pierce is originally from the Dallas-Fort Worth Area, a graduate of University of Dallas, Honor Roll student, and an Eagle Scout. An activist from a young age with a history of backing Conservatives, he is a Spring 2021 Fellow for Texas Scorecard, and is glad to help hold the Texas political establishment accountable.