A measure to require DNA testing for all illegal alien children in order to ensure their protection from human trafficking schemes that use minor children to ease travel for adults into the country has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives.
The End Child Trafficking Now Act, filed by U.S. Rep. Lance Gooden (R–TX), would require a DNA test be performed to determine the familial relationship between an alien and an accompanying minor.
“Every child deserves protection, particularly those most vulnerable,” Gooden told the Dallas Express. “The exploitation of underage aliens by human traffickers is one of the most sickening results of the border crisis. This legislation will ensure that young children are no longer viewed as ‘skip the line’ tickets by cartel members.”
This measure was filed in response to U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents encountering over 81,000 unaccompanied minors at the Southern border this fiscal year alone, as well as the Biden administration reportedly ending all familial DNA testing at the border last month.
Gooden previously filed the act in 2019, after results from a pilot program revealed that nearly one in five claims of familial status were proven fraudulent.
Gooden introduced the End Child Trafficking Now Act, saying it’s “needed because children are being bought and sold like cattle.”
“It would require potential immigrants to submit to DNA testing when they can’t produce documentation of a family relationship and levy a prison sentence for those found to be exploiting minors,” Gooden continued.
U.S. Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R–TN) and Bill Cassidy (R–L.A) introduced similar legislation in the U.S. Senate, saying this is an idea everyone should support.
“As many as 30% of children DNA tested were found not to be related to the illegal immigrants posing as family members,” said Blackburn. “Meanwhile, drug cartels and gangs use minors to falsely present themselves as family units and seek asylum at our southern border.”
“The Biden administration’s decision to halt all DNA familial testing is a grave misstep that not only puts the safety of Americans at risk but also increases the number of migrant children being trafficked,” Blackburn continued. “My legislation would stop criminals in their tracks and help protect children from exploitation – an idea we should all be able to support.”
Under the act, an individual who uses an unrelated minor to gain entry into the United States will be imprisoned for a maximum 10-year prison sentence. It will also require the Department of Homeland Security to deport illegal aliens if they refuse to consent to a DNA test.
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