After hinting at a campaign for months, a leading conservative state legislator has officially announced that he intends to run for higher office.

On Wednesday, State Sen. Van Taylor (R–Plano) announced his candidacy for United States Congress, declaring his resolve to “fight for conservative solutions” and to “work every day to safeguard our freedom.”

Taylor is running for the seat being vacated by current U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson, who announced in January his plans to retire after the conclusion of the current Congress.

“We now need a new generation of conservative leaders to pick up and carry the torch of freedom. With the support and counsel of so many grassroots and civic leaders in our community, Anne and I are excited to announce my candidacy for United States Congress,” said Taylor. I am going to work hard to earn the trust of every voter and if elected I will honor that trust by always standing for conservative principles and work every day to safeguard our freedom.”

Since being elected to the Texas Legislature in 2010, Taylor has consistently been seen as one of the most conservative lawmakers, and was rated as a “Taxpayer Champion” by Texans for Fiscal Responsibility throughout his time in the Texas House and Texas Senate. Taylor has also received awards from the Young Conservatives of Texas, Texas Right to Life, and Texas Eagle Forum.

Already supported by a number of statewide organizations, Taylor’s decision was quickly met with support from one of the nation’s most prominent conservative groups, the Club for Growth.

“Club for Growth PAC is thrilled to announce its support for Van Taylor and his campaign for Congress,” stated Club for Growth PAC President David McIntosh.

“Van is the definition of a tried-and-true economic conservative, and he is exactly the type of candidate Club for Growth PAC seeks to endorse.  As a state senator Van has proven himself to be the real deal; he has fought for taxpayers and has a pro-growth legislative record to show for it,” he continued. “We have no doubt he will serve Texas well as the future Congressman of the third district.”

Texas’ 3rd Congressional District, which Taylor is campaigning for, is considered to be a safe Republican district which will likely be decided in the March 6th primary. Taylor is not expected to encounter any serious opposition.

Cary Cheshire

Cary Cheshire is the executive director of Texans for Strong Borders, a no-compromise non-profit dedicated to restoring security and sovereignty to the citizens of the Lone Star State. For more information visit