A statewide network has committed itself to sexualizing Texas students. Their target age range runs from elementary level to high school.
This is the Texas GSA Network. They’ve sought to organize and expand Gay Straight Alliance clubs, also known as Genders and Sexualities Alliance clubs, in Texas schools. As of June 17, 2024, their website stated these clubs are available for 46 percent of Texas students.
Parent education advocate Aileen Blachowski called these clubs “grooming grounds.” In Texas Scorecard’s previous investigative report, she shared her experience of helping a family in California. Their sixth-grade daughter attended such a club, titled “We The People GSA,” thinking it was a history club. Instead of history, she was traumatized by the introduction of sexual fetishes and BDSM.
The Texas GSA Network has promoted resources to educators, students, and parents or guardians to expand these clubs. They link to regional coalitions statewide that support these clubs. They also have a Discord channel that students, sponsors, alumni, and “community members” may apply to join.
The educators’ tab links to a website with advice on how to run a GSA-type club in elementary schools. These use the name APT clubs, short for “Amor Para Todos.” That is a Spanish phrase that means “Love for Everyone.”
Secrecy is paramount in these clubs. A “best practices” sheet for GSA advisors stated club members are not to share something said in club meetings “with anyone else, EXCEPT in a few circumstances.” A template for a confidentiality agreement commits students to share only “lessons learned.” However, it also states GSA advisors must report abuse.
This “best practices” sheet has a section entitled “Romeo and Juliet Laws.” Under this section, Texas GSA told advisors to explain “what is technically reportable in Texas regarding sexual behavior between youth” to club members.
What are “Romeo and Juliet Laws”? The Law Offices of Ned Barnett explained they are a facet of Texas’ age of consent law, which set the age at 17. “[These] laws aim to keep teens out of prison and protect them from statutory laws that do not apply to every situation,” they wrote. These laws state that, under certain conditions, “a sexual relationship can avoid being considered sex with a minor.” In Texas, these conditions are the minor being no younger than 14, there’s no more than a three-year age difference between the parties, sexual activity is consensual, and the older partner is not a registered sex offender.
Texas GSA has more resources on sex for students.
Their students tab is linked to resources for “Queer Sex and Relationships.” This is provided by Q+EDU—another project to advance LGBT ideology in Texas education. The “Queer Sex” section has multiple recordings from 2021. Topics include “non-monogamy,” how Texas minors can access abortion, a discussion on condoms and STD testing, and a two-part Sex-Ed Q&A (parts one and two).
Texas GSA’s website has a map tracking GSA clubs statewide.

Source: Texas GSA Network
Efforts to grow were as recent as the 2023-2024 school year when Texas GSA launched a registration effort for these clubs. The website also offers “toolkits” to educators and students for how to start and run a GSA. The Texas GSA’s “toolkit” for parents or guardians of students offers links to books and recordings that encourage affirming a child identifying as LGBT.
They also offer a 2019 recording of a then-Round Rock ISD senior claiming GSAs “bring people together.” But Christie Slape, an RRISD mom who also runs the local Moms for Liberty chapter, expressed concern. “Although all humans are created for community, and adolescents have a strong need to belong, the basis of GSA clubs is SEXUALITY,” she told Texas Scorecard. “Taxpayers have not consented to funding sex clubs for kids.”
The sexualization of children was sown in schools years ago. Now, Aileen Blachowski said that a former Collin County Sheriff’s investigator told her that educator sexual abuse or child-on-child sexual abuse is happening everywhere. “This is the outcome of years and years [of] thinking that somehow sexualizing children was a good idea,” she said. “These are the very dark fruits of those efforts.”
Slape shared similar concerns about GSAs. “This is a very dangerous, ideological path to put children on,” she wrote. “Parents and students deserve 100 percent transparency and should, at a minimum, be required to sign a permission form for a minor child to attend these club meetings.”
Texas Scorecard sent a request for comment to Texas GSA. They did not reply before publication.
If your school district has a GSA club, please contact us at rmontoya@texasscorecard.com.
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