Multiple individuals have come forward and shown how the Biden military vaccine mandate remains a threat to the rights of Texans and to our state’s military. What is missing from establishment media coverage of this issue is any rigorous scientific debate on these vaccines and how scientific these mandates truly are.
Last year, the Biden administration mandated all members of the U.S. military receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Last August, Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order forbidding vaccine mandates in the Texas military. On January 4, Attorney Gen. Ken Paxton sued the Biden administration over the mandate.
Despite Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order for the Texas Military Department not to enforce this, and Texas’ lawsuit, those in the Texas National Guard (TNG) remain under siege.
Crystal Demaret shared how she’s been threatened with dishonorable discharge, despite applying for a religious exemption. Ammon Blair and Sgt. Daniel Peters both confirmed the threat of Biden’s mandate is real in Texas’ military by providing internal records. Blair said he was discharged for his stance, while Demaret and Peters are stuck in a holding pattern.
The overall narrative repeated in these records is that this mandate is in place for the protection of all soldiers. But does scientific data agree?
Ideological Indoctrination
Blair said he was forced to resign from the TNG in March for his refusal to vaccinate.
Before then, Blair said he and other soldiers were forced to attend a Texas military town hall on February 18 of this year, months after Gov. Abbott’s executive order banning vaccine mandates in the state military. At this town hall, soldiers were pressured to vaccinate.
It was from there Blair obtained records we reported in our previous article that describe how the Biden military vaccine mandate works, and operates, in the Texas National Guard.
Blair shared more with us. Pages one and two of a memo instruct soldiers as to what the government-approved “reliable sources” are regarding the Chinese coronavirus. The majority come from government departments. The document also shows “milestones” in the production and approval process of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations. Finally, it states the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) “clinical preference” for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, instead of the one from Johnson & Johnson.
Blair also provided us with his recording of the town hall. The audio recording gives the listener a window into a one-sided, hard-sell presentation encouraging soldiers to follow alleged scientific evidence and vaccinate.
There was no alternative opinion offered by the military at this town hall, denying individual soldiers the opportunity to evaluate both sides and make an informed decision on their own. A curious approach considering some of the most major military operations in American history underwent rigorous debate and discussion, such as General Douglas MacArthur’s Operation Chromite, which rescued Allied forces during the Korean War.
Texas Scorecard will contrast the official Texas Military Department presentation in favor of COVID-19 vaccination with other points of view from reputable scientists.
The Players
“What I’m here to do is to dispel rumors and urban myths and misinformation swirling around this topic.” This was in the audio, spoken by a man who identified himself as a doctor. Only his last name can be heard: “Ferry.”
Research found a 2013 press release on the Texas Military Department website that referenced a Col. Robert Ferry, then identified as the Texas State Army Surgeon. Texas Scorecard asked TMD if he still is, and if he was the same Ferry who conducted these town halls. No response was received before publication.
In the audio, Ferry said he was a trained pediatric endocrinologist, and that his last job was Chief of Endocrinology at St. Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. He said he is “boarded” in disaster medicine, spent most of his career as a medical school professor, and published approximately 100 peer-reviewed papers. He also admitted a connection to Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH, having served on around 60 NIH and Dept. of Defense research panels.
Ferry’s arguments will be contrasted with those made by two individuals who spoke before the June 27, 2022, meeting of the Texas Senate Committee on Health & Human Services, chaired by State Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R–Brenham). These men are Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough.
Malone identified himself as a vaccinologist and specialist in clinical research. He graduated from multiple universities, including a fellowship with Harvard. He said his discoveries led to patents filed in 1989-1990 “that are considered by most to be the foundation technology upon which the mRNA vaccines have been built.” He also has done work with the Dept. of Defense on biodefense, chaired study sections “for large vaccine grants,” and has met “Tony Fauci” repeatedly.
Dr. McCullough, based in Dallas, identified himself as a “practicing internist and cardiologist.” With more than 770 publications in the National Library of Medicine, he referred to himself as a COVID-19 expert, with 56 peer-reviewed publications on the topic.
Starting off, one topic Dr. Malone cautioned about senators during the hearing were government officials moving goal posts as it became clear their plans weren’t working regarding “Sars-CoV-2,” another reference for the Chinese coronavirus.
“During the COVID crisis, the use of the terms immunity and effectiveness have been applied creatively by the NIH and CDC leadership,” he told senators. These goal posts were originally defined as the prevention of “infection, replication, and spread.” But Dr. Malone said these were repeatedly redefined downwards as the vaccines repeatedly failed to meet or fully meet these definitions, until eventually they were defined as only “a relative reduction in hospitalization and death.”
“Safe and Effective”
In the town hall recording, Dr. Ferry admitted to TNG soldiers that knowledge of the effects of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is limited. “Do we know what the effect is 20 or 30 years from now? No, that’s an unknown,” he said. “But every bit of evidence we have so far suggests that it’s safe and effective, and has none of those long term effects that one would worry about.”
While pushing the “safe and effective” narrative, in the audio recording, Dr. Ferry is heard telling soldiers there are three side effects for the vaccines, but only went into detail about one: myocarditis, which he called “a fancy term for inflammation of the heart muscle.” He claimed it is “the only one … more commonly observed and expected with the mRNA based vaccines.” He pointed to studies published in the January volume of the Journal of the American Medical Association, which Dr. Ferry said looked at the 192 million who had received more than 354 million doses, and noted the FDA reporting database had only 1,626 cases of myocarditis. “The majority were after the second dose of a vaccine, they usually happened within five days.”
He said these numbers equals a risk of about one in 11,000. “If we vaccinate everyone in TMD, we expect two or three cases.” He said they had yet to see that, but at that time about 45 percent of Texas’ military was unvaccinated. As for these reported cases of myocarditis, he claimed 87 percent were resolved within a couple of days. “There was no permanent adverse outcome.” The rest he said recovered within 30 days.
He also told vaccinated soldiers, or those who will be, of a safety net for them as long as they are on a “federal duty status.”
“If something rare happens now or in the future, we’ll have you covered administratively.”
In the June 27 Texas Senate Committee hearing, both Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough made statements that raise far more questions about how “safe” these vaccines are.
Dr. McCullough told senators the COVID-19 vaccines bypassed necessary testing procedures. “These were genetic gene transfer technology vaccines—they’re classified that by the FDA—they needed five years of observation. All that was thrown out.”
Dr. Malone concurred that proper testing procedures were abandoned. He stated that politics, not science, was the driving force. “Development of vaccine products had been accelerated, and historic non-clinical, clinical development, and regulatory practices had been discarded in a quest for speed under specific pressure from the executive branch in the prior administration,” he told senators. “We know, according to The New York Times article on Presidents Day, that the CDC has become politicized, particularly during the current administration, and has actively withheld information which has been deemed as posing risk for exacerbating ‘vaccine hesitancy.’”
Dr. Malone also discussed myocarditis in his June 27 testimony, as part of his warning against vaccinating children. “Another paper just came out, incidents of myocarditis in young boys, one in 1700. … This is not trivial, and this is clinical myocarditis,” he said. “It may well be with these policies [of vaccinating children], that we create something even worse than the original antigenic sin problem we’re seeing in adults.”
The abstract of a September 2017 publication in the Journal of Autoimmunity defines “original antigenic sin” (OAS). This term is used in incidents where our immune systems encounter an infection they have beaten before, like the flu. OAS “implies” that if there’s a slight deviation in this latest version of the infection, “then the immune system relies on memory of the earlier infection, rather than mount another primary or secondary response to the new epitope which would allow faster and stronger responses.”
The result is that the immunological response may be inadequate against the new strain, because the immune system does not adapt and instead relies on its memory to mount a response. In the case of vaccines, if we only immunize to a single strain or epitope, and if that strain/epitope changes over time, then the immune system is unable to mount an accurate secondary response.
A September 6 substack piece by Matt Shapiro, that The Federalist referenced, reported about a recent CDC meeting where government officials were having to readjust their reporting about myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccinations. “There were several shocking charts and statistics within the slides, but a notable one is this chart, which noted that the incidence of myocarditis among young men in response to the vaccine is much higher than previously reported,” Shapiro wrote. “This, in and of itself, is astonishing. The rates of dose 2 myocarditis are 3-5 times higher for young men than what the CDC was reporting this time last year.” Shapiro points out the CDC’s report “is almost perfectly in line” with a study from a year ago, warning about “vaccine-associated myocarditis.”
“With rates of myocarditis this high and the severity of COVID as low as it is for this age group, the case in favor of the vaccine for this age group is not strong,” Shapiro continued. “These results are why countries across Europe suspended the Moderna vaccine for men under 30.”
But this isn’t the only issue. Back to the June testimony to the Texas Senate Committee, Dr. McCullough further ripped apart the idea that these COVID vaccines are “safe.”
“We now know through court ordered documents, freedom of information documents, Pfizer knew about 1,223 deaths within 90 days of release of their vaccine … We don’t know if the FDA knew about it.” He explained that according to published papers, 50 percent of the deaths occur within 48 hours, and 80 percent within a week.
By January 22, he said alarm bells were sounding. “The US CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS] had too many deaths that have already happened with a COVID-19 vaccine than they had from all the prior vaccines combined,” Dr. McCullogh told senators. “As of June 17th 2022, our CDC VAERS system has and certified 13,388 Americans who have died with a vaccine. Now either they’ve taken it electively, or they were forced into it.”
Dr. McCullough said documentation on these issues are numerous.
“There are now 1000 papers published on the spike protein and the vaccines … that deal with vaccine injuries,” he said. “The FDA agrees that vaccines cause blood clots. The vaccines cause heart damage. The vaccines cause neurologic damage. They also cause well-characterized immunologic and hematologic system damage. This is in the peer-reviewed literature.” He said that there are now even new diseases named after COVID-19 vaccine injuries.
Dr. Malone pointed out the Centers for Disease Control itself has failed to conduct the necessary scientific legwork normally associated with usage of a medical product. “CDC has, under FOIA, admitted to failing to perform obligated monitoring, analysis and reporting of VAERS and related vaccine safety data,” he said. “During the current outbreak, the CDC has not fulfilled its traditional role as a neutral collector, arbiter and reporter of public health data.”
“As a consequence, neither patients, physicians, nor public health officials have been able to assess up to date information concerning vaccine effectiveness and safety. This has compromised the informed consent process.”
The situation has gotten so out of hand, Dr. McCullough told senators a recall of all vaccines had been issued by the World Council for Health because of 40,000 deaths worldwide. “Typical standard for any biologic product is 50 deaths, pull it off the market.”
“There is sufficient evidence of adverse events relating to Covid-19 vaccines to indicate that a product recall is immediately necessary,” the World Council for Health reported this June.
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R–Wisconsin) has also held hearings on the safety of these COVID vaccines, and published what they found. A slide from January 24, 2022, shows the high number of adverse reactions and death from these COVID-19 vaccines compared with other medical products, including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
Meanwhile, in the Texas Military town hall from this year, Dr. Ferry repeatedly brushed aside and criticized arguments from a scientific perspective against the safety of the vaccinations being forced upon them. Blair himself brought up previous statements by Dr. Malone, to which Dr. Ferry asked where he had been published.
Natural Immunity
Dr. Ferry took aim at natural immunity during the town hall too. “There are, of course, many people who have survived COVID and have some degree of natural immunity,” he said. “Unfortunately, not every disease gives you lifelong immunity when you get exposed to it.” He claimed natural immunity can fade “anywhere from two to 10 months.”
Dr. Malone disagreed, and went into a deep scientific dive with state senators during his June testimony. “You’ll recall that the two adaptive parts of immunity are antibody, or B cell and T cell or cytotoxic T lymphocyte functions. We need both,” he said. “The ability of the virus currently to evolve to escape T cell responses seems more limited, particularly in the case of natural infection, which provokes a broader T cell response because people are seeing the whole virus.”
In general, the durability of protection from disease, hospitalization, or death from natural infection—what many call natural immunity—appears to be equal to or considerably greater than that provided by currently available SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, which is why frequent re-administration of these EUA products is required.
SARS-CoV-2 is another term for the Chinese coronavirus.
Malone cited a recent major study from Science Magazine that looked at health care workers over a period of time who became infected, fully vaccinated, then infected with Omicron. “The immune imprinting from original Wuhan, followed by multiple doses of vaccine … is driving immune imprinting that is causing patients, when they get infected by Omicron, to not be able to respond,” he told senators. “They’re actually developing a relative selective immune deficit.”
Effectiveness against Sars-CoV-2
While posing a risk to peoples’ health, what effects are the vaccines having on the virus?
Dr. Malone told state senators this June that “based on the latest peer-reviewed data,” “30 to 60 percent of fully vaccinated persons in high risk categories are still at high risk of hospitalization and death if infected by Omicron.”
“The data are showing throughout the world, most recently in Canada and Ontario, that the vast majority of people being hospitalized currently are fully vaccinated with the Omicron wave.” He added that Omicron has a “high reinfection rate,” and that is based on “at least a dozen peer-reviewed major papers.”
Throughout the Texas military town hall recording, and from all records provided to us from Ammon Blair, Crystal Demaret, and Sgt. Daniel Peters, Texas soldiers have been pressured to comply with Biden’s military vaccine mandate.
Missing at the federal level has been transparent and serious scientific inquiry and debate when it came to considering these medical products, especially on the topic of violating the rights of citizens and soldiers in making them take it. Aside from Gov. Abbott’s executive order and Attorney General Ken Paxton’s lawsuit, Texas Scorecard has yet to uncover serious internal efforts on the part of the Texas Military Department to provide this transparent and serious scientific inquiry and debate.
In our final article investigating this issue, we will explore what options are available to Texas to protect our servicemen and women. If you or someone you know in the Texas military are facing consequences for not receiving a COVID-19 vaccination, please contact us at