Texas A&M offers a course this academic year that pushes the left-wing perspective on sex.
Intro to Gender & Society is described on the Texas A&M course website as a class focused on the “sociological analysis of gender in relation to social structure.”
A Spring 2023 syllabus provided more details. “This course will investigate the social construction of ‘gender’ and examine gender as a nuanced process of identity and performance,” the writer of the course description stated. The relationship between gender and family, dating and marriage rituals, politics, religion, work, and more will be discussed.
Additionally, the syllabus for the “Gender & Society” course listed the following as Course Learning Outcomes for students:
1. Critically examine your own and others’ ideas and expectations surrounding gender and gender performance (Critical Thinking).
2. Compare and contrast foundational perspectives in the sociology of gender (Critical Thinking).
3. Use numerical data and historically observable facts to connect gender, race, and class to societal inequalities (Critical Thinking and Empirical and Quantitative Skills).
4. Recognize and communicate through written, oral, and visual communications how complex links between individual experiences, cultural experiences, and broader institutional forces influence human behavior locally and globally (Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, and Social, Cultural, and Global Competence).
5. Express the importance of gender knowledge in intercultural competence and civic engagement (Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, and Social Responsibility).
Assigned readings for the course revealed more left-wing ideology injected into the course. Among these were “Compulsory Heterosexuality,” “Has Dating Become Egalitarian?”, “A Day Without Feminism,” and “Gender Outlaws.” The textbook for the course was the fourth edition of Robyn Ryle’s “Questioning Gender: A Sociological Exploration.”
The usage of the term “gender” itself indicated Texas A&M either agrees with or has acquiesced to radical left ideologues. In a July 2023 piece published by the Heritage Foundation, philosopher Jay W. Richards argued that the term “sex” should be used instead of “gender.”
“Gender ideologues tend to use ‘gender’ as a shorthand for ‘gender identity’—as in the euphemism ‘gender-affirming care’ in medicine,” he explained. “Such ‘care’ affirms the presumed gender identity of the patient, even if that means destroying the patient’s primary and secondary sex organs.”
Texas A&M has long been marketed as a conservative bastion and different from other universities in the nation. However, this is the latest in a series of discoveries since the fall of 2023 that bring that narrative into question.
Texas Scorecard asked Texas A&M and the Texas A&M University System how this class represents Aggie values. No response was received by publication.
But Brady Gray of Texas Family Project had something to say. “My reaction is that millions of students are spending (and borrowing) billions of dollars to sit and listen to radical ideologues spout nonsense, and as a result, we are both dumbing down our society and creating the next generation of radicals who, like their professors now, offer nothing of value to the world and only seek to demean virtues and degrade society.”
Texas Scorecard will continue to examine higher education in the state. If you or anyone you know has information regarding universities, please contact our tip line: scorecardtips@protonmail.com.