While citizens and government officials around the nation currently talk about protecting and saving lives from a variety of threats, Austin’s local officials are putting taxpayer money toward killing more people.

On Thursday, the Austin City Council unanimously approved forcing citizens to pay $150,000 “to provide logistical support services for abortion access,” meaning taxpayers will have to pay for rides to abortion facilities; hotel rooms; and, ironically, childcare while a baby brother or sister is being put to death.

The money will fund an organization called Jane’s Due Process, which specifically assists underage girls in killing their babies.

The council’s action is designed to skirt a recently enacted state law. Senate Bill 22 made it illegal for local governments statewide to give citizens’ cash directly to abortion businesses, something the Austin City Council has historically done. So now, they’re instead funneling the money to pay for the costs along the way to killing a child.

“We may not be able to fund abortion with city money like New York did, but definitely we knew we could help fund the transportation, the accommodations, the child care people needed,” said NARAL Pro-Choice Texas Executive Director Aimee Arrambide.

The Austin council also did this last year, when they spent another $150,000 on the logistical costs of killing.

This time around, though, the City of Austin’s official Twitter account posted support for the decision, saying in part, “Abortion is Healthcare.” Numerous citizens reacted to the city’s decision and remark.

“The fact that the City of Austin account is spewing this crap is absolutely vile,” one citizen wrote.

“‘Abortion: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus,'” another said. “Not the care of health to improve life, but the end of care and the end of life.”

“Wait. What? Childcare for someone seeking an abortion? Do you even remotely recognize the insane irony of that?” a citizen asked.

“Wow… a ride and childcare for the kids you decided to keep, how nice,” another said.

The city council approved the spending on their consent agenda, a list of actions that are uncontested and don’t require public discussion. One citizen, however, testified to the council about the decision.

“Today, the Austin City Council engaged in political posturing to see how far they can go before violating SB 22,” said Mary Elizabeth Castle, policy advisor for pro-family advocacy group Texas Values. “The council approved a questionable contract of up to $150,000 to fund Jane’s Due Process in order to help underage girls obtain dangerous abortions without their parents’ knowledge. The City of Austin should not be spending taxpayer dollars to help end the lives of unborn children.”

Jacob Asmussen

Jacob Asmussen is a Senior Journalist for Texas Scorecard. He attended the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor and in 2017 earned a double major in public relations and piano performance.