In a 5-1 vote of the school board, Carroll Independent School District voted to leave the controversial Texas Association of School Boards, becoming the first district in the state to do so.

The Texas Association of School Boards was established in 1949 as a voluntary association for school board officials and has claimed all 1,025 Texas school districts as members.

Local taxpayer dollars are used to fund TASB membership fees and services that include training, legal advice, and insurance.

The organization also engages in taxpayer-funded lobbying on behalf of school district interests, which often conflict with the interests of students, parents, and the taxpayers picking up the tab.

On Monday evening, the school board passed a resolution that would terminate Carroll ISD’s membership with the association by the end of the calendar year, and directs the superintendent to find alternate means of obtaining the services currently provided by TASB.

The move comes after a string of controversial actions taken by TASB. In January, the association advised its members to allow gender-confused students to use the restroom designated for the opposite sex and obscure a student’s preferred name and pronouns if their parents object to their “gender identity.” Last summer, TASB sponsored a conference promoting critical race theory. And in 2021, TASB declined to take any action regarding explicit books in school libraries after Gov. Greg Abbott sent them a public letter calling on them to do so.

Lawmakers like State Sen. Mayes Middleton (R–Galveston), who recently blasted TASB for being “anti-parent,” celebrated the move.

“Carroll ISD has left the anti-parent taxpayer-funded lobbying group Texas Association of School Boards. Thank you Carroll ISD for standing strong with Texas parents,” said Middleton.

State Rep. Brian Harrison (R–Midlothian) applauded the move and predicted there would be more to come.

“While Carroll is the first independent school district in 30 years to leave TASB, they will not be the last. I predict and celebrate the fact that TASB will never again be able to say that they represent every school board in Texas,” said Harrison.

Harrison has filed legislation that would prevent school districts from joining organizations that hire lobbyists such as TASB.

Brandon Waltens

Brandon serves as the Senior Editor for Texas Scorecard. After managing successful campaigns for top conservative legislators and serving as a Chief of Staff in the Texas Capitol, Brandon moved outside the dome in order to shine a spotlight on conservative victories and establishment corruption in Austin. @bwaltens