Joshua Crawford, running against State Rep. Brooks Landgraf in HD 81, has just received one of the most sought after endorsements in West Texas.
The endorsement came from Ernest Angelo –former Mayor of Midland, Republican National Committeeman, and State Chairman for President Ronald Reagan’s campaign.
According to Americans for Prosperity, “had it not been for Ernest Angelo and Texas in 1976, Reagan may not have become president. It was thanks to Ernest Angelo who had the courage to buck the Republican establishment and support Ronald Reagan. The rest is history.”
This endorsement may have come as a surprise to some as Angelo was a strong supporter of Landgraf’s campaign during the last election cycle and a friend of the family. However, Angelo states that “Friendships are important, but principles are even more important.”
He is referring to one, if not the, most important vote Landgraf made during the 84th session—the vote for Speaker of the House. Landgraf, despite having implied to Angelo that he would not support the incumbent House Speaker, cast his vote for Straus, which in turn further enabled the Austin Establishment and subsequent killing of numerous conservative bills. When asked recently by Angelo whether he would, once again, vote for Straus, he wouldn’t commit.
Angelo wrote the following in his endorsement announcement:
“Today, I am endorsing Josh Crawford for State Representative. Josh is highly qualified and committed to working hard for Odessa and our State. Also, Josh has pledged not to support Joe Straus or any of his lieutenants in the House. That will be the most meaningful vote he casts because Straus and his team have supported sanctuary cities in Texas, killed much needed ethics legislation and preserved the deduction of union dues from State employees’ salaries. The latter position has helped Straus be in the top group of those supported by union contributions. There is no excuse for a conservative to back Straus. Josh will be part of a much-needed change in Austin.”
Angelo isn’t the first supporter Landgraf has lost to his opponent. Many conservative organizations and community leaders such as Gun Owners of America, Conservative Republicans of Texas, Cathie Adams of Texas Eagle Forum, Texas Home School Coalition, and Dick Saulsbury of Saulsbury Industries have thrown their support behind Crawford.