Another Republican candidate has announced his candidacy in the race to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Clarendon).
Republican Richard Herman launched his bid to replace Thornberry last week, saying that he plans to run a campaign with a focus on veterans and rural communities. Herman served as Potter County’s Precinct 2 justice of the peace from 2015 through January 2019.
“It’s time we send a veteran to Congress who understands the working person’s struggles,” Herman said in his announcement. “I’m that man.”
The announcement by Herman brings the crowded Republican primary field to eight candidates. Those also seeking the Republican nomination are: businessman Chris Ekstrom, consultant Jamie Culley, Amarillo City Councilwoman Elaine Hays, BNSF railroad conductor Vance Snider, activist Monique Worthy, Texas Cattle Feeders Association industry affairs director Josh Winegarner, and nonprofit worker Kevin McInturff.
In addition to Herman’s announcement last week, a Democrat also filed in preparation for a bid. Gus Trujillo filed his paperwork with the FEC, meaning Democrats will likely have a contested primary in the district that will also feature the party’s 2018 nominee for the seat, Greg Sagan.
Candidates will file for spots on the ballot through December 9.