A 16-year-old from Brownsville, Texas, filed a complaint against Frisco Independent School District Trustee Marvin Lowe for “sexually harassing” the student.
The unnamed student’s complaint alleges that Lowe sexually harassed them and made them feel “unsafe” after they spoke on a panel at the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) and Texas Association of School Administrations (TASA) conference in September 2022.
The panel was titled “Transgender Students in Texas Schools: What You Need to Know.”
As reported by the Texarkana Gazette, “Lowe approached the teen [after the session], the complaint said, and, after speaking in complimentary terms about the session, told him [the student] that he [Lowe] was a Republican with differing views.”
Lowe told Texas Scorecard that this was not entirely accurate.
“I don’t believe in transgenderism so why would I speak in ‘complimentary terms’ about something I don’t agree with?” said Lowe. “No, what I said to the student was, ‘People love you and people want the best for you.’”
Lowe explained that he does not think that biological girls belong in boys’ locker rooms and bathrooms, and vice versa. In locker rooms, people tend to walk around naked, and Lowe said that he fears the safety of biological girls, even those who “identify” as boys, is in jeopardy if locker rooms are not single sex.
“If a biological girl walks around the boy’s locker room naked, boys are going to be attracted to that because that’s just the way it is.”
The complaint alleges Lowe told the student, “Men like to walk around naked with their junk hanging around.”
“I never said anything about the person’s ‘junk.’ That’s not the way I talk,” Lowe said.
Lowe said that he tried to speak lovingly and respectfully, but the student said in the complaint that Lowe made them feel “dehumanized, violated and unsafe.”
Following the filing of the complaint, an independent investigation was requested into Lowe and the allegation.
However, during an open meeting, more than a dozen citizens came out to speak in support of Lowe and his character. The board dropped the motion of taking disciplinary action against Lowe.
Lowe thanked the citizens that spoke in support of him:
I would like to say that I appreciate all of you who came out here to speak on my behalf. It is a really interesting thing for something like this to happen, for the newspaper of our area to make these unfounded claims. I tell you that they are not true. We have talked about this in executive session, and we thought it was a done deal. Now, we have come back to address it coincidentally right around election time. Maybe it is just a coincidence, I don’t know. Some people think you all are playing politics with this. The bottom line is that you all have developed a really, really low standard for investigations now. A really low standard.
Lowe told Texas Scorecard that he tends to say things that are very controversial but that he stands behind what he says.
However, when it comes to false allegations, Lowe said, “I can’t defend myself against stuff I didn’t say.”